Celebrating Milestones

            I am so happy to announce that Book Chat has completed three years of dedication. A milestone within itself that I couldn’t have done without you, my dedicated listeners.
            Thank you so much for listening and downloading the show each week. That motivated me to continue and strive to achieve goals I never knew were possible.
            Each week, before the show aired, I would strategize new ways to touch on writing and publishing topics that I believed would prove helpful to my fellow authors.
            With your help and support, it made the process of creating a relationship with my fellow authors and audience a great success.
            Now I can’t forget all my guests, who also took part in the success of Book Chat these last three years. I want to thank them for being so gracious, taking time from their schedules to do the show.
            So, in celebration of the last three wonderful years as host of Book Chat, we will spend the month of August reminiscing with a few of the guests who graced me with their time and expertise on many of the shows.
            I’ve extended an invitation to some of them, and hopefully, they will accept. In the meantime, I’ll share some of the interviews over the last year with the audience. As we look back at how far the show has come over the previous three years.
            Today, I want to share with you my absolute favorite shows and fan favorites starting with 2018.
1.      2018 A PLACE AT THE TABLE
2.      2018 GIVE THANKS
3.      2019 I CAN DO ALL THINGS
4.      2019 MAKING IT HAPPEN
5.      2020 THE PERFECT 10


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