Dealing with Deadline Stress



            Faith Hill, Willie Nelson, and Pearl Jam all had something in common when they sang about this common practice of relaxation. But they also figured out that when faced with trying situations, the best way to deal with them is to take a deep breath and let it go.


            As if we don’t already have enough to deal with in our daily lives, the addition of work deadlines of any kind increases our stress levels.


As a writer, I understand the tightrope authors walk due to obligations and timetables that wreak havoc in our lives.

Stress is one of the uncomfortable truths that attaches itself to us in different ways.


How you relate and cope with deadlines, stress, or stress, in general, makes all the difference in how we do not let it become crippling to us.

I’m affected by it just like you are, and why I wanted to talk about ways to battle it.


The the goal is to help you alleviate the stranglehold stress can have over your lives as much as possible.


One way to counteract this problem is to breathe. Sounds simple enough, and it is. Doing something we do every day to live can help lower blood pressure, center you, and aid concentration.


It’s all in how you manage the complications of stress, and yes, stress comes with complications, especially if there are deadlines involved.


Another way to destress is to form coping skills. The three types are task-oriented, emotion-oriented, and avoidance-oriented.


Besides the breathing technique I mentioned above, let’s concentrate on the first example, task orientation, which can be several things that include physical activity.  Yes, I know you’re already stressed because of deadlines, but to ease it, walk a few miles on a treadmill. Before long, you’ll start to feel better and have clearer thoughts.


The next example is emotion orientation. A valuable form of coping is the use of meditation of which I like to call prayer. Find a quiet corner, closet, or bathroom and clear your mind of everything except the calmness you’re trying to channel throughout your body. It works.


Or, I suggest soothing instrumental or nonmusical, such as rain, rolling waves, or birds singing in the trees. Some people have even found listening to white noise as another way to destress.


Another suggestion is avoidance orientation. Of course, we can’t check out entirely on life, but we can avoid those things that excite us and create hyperventilation instead of easy breathing.


So let’s talk about easy breathing and how it can help us to rebalance our lives. We need a healthy balance between work health and mental well-being. It can only help us to an overall better way of living,


Even if we never abolish stress or stressful situations, we need to achieve healthier habits to coexist, even in the publishing world.




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