Maintaining Motivation
In a world that is steadily rotating, it is not always easy to stay focused or keep your balance. Especially writers who sometimes wear many hats juggle multiple projects at once. Some days it’s hard to see which way is up, but what I’ve learned is that you must have a focal point. Something that grabs and holds your attention so that you don’t lose direction.
Even the most successful individuals require motivation, something that keeps them driven and always striving to be their best. No matter what your personal career might be clarity is sometimes lost because of busy lifestyles.
Nevertheless, there is a solution to maintaining your motivation and keeping sight of your daily goals.
One of the most important elements in making this happen is having foresight. What I mean by this is that, if you can see it then you can achieve it. Cliché-ish I’ll admit, but very true.
Some of our greatest visionaries adhered to this truth and helped propel them to the top.
Motivation is essential for any successful career. You need direction, a clear path of where you desire to go maintain momentum and limit your distractions.
Not always easy because let’s face it, life happens along the way.
Not everyone is fortunate enough to have only one thing on a list of to-do’s and for the ones who somehow managed to receive such a blessing, kudos.
I’m not saying staying focused is any easier for them as it is for those of us who juggle multiple tasks throughout the day. This creates challenges, therefore, staying motivated much more testing.
Impossible you say? Well, let’s change impossible to possibilities.
Here’s a list of practical methods of motivational tips to help you through the process.
Always keep your goals in sight. Remember what I said about seeing is believing? Well, you can reach the mountaintop if you keep that image in mind.
I love reading motivational quotes especially spiritual ones that speak to the heart and let you know that you’re on the right track. This is a great focal point when you’re in doubt of ever reaching those goals.
Your attitude must be that of a realist. Someone who knows their potential, strengths, and weaknesses and what they can accomplish over a period of time.
Don’t compare your success or goals to anyone else. People are different, hence the word individual. What you can do shouldn’t be based on your and not someone else’s own capabilities and not the status quo.
Organization skills is also a key element in maintaining motivation.
If your thoughts are all over the place, then this affects all of your functions.
One of the things that help me stay organized is a very simple process. I start with my work area. Everything I need to perform each task is in reach. There is never a need to search for anything. For one, it is distracting, adds unnecessary actions to your purpose, and keeps you from your mission.
Lets’ face it, we are all human, and this limits what we can and cannot control. Don’t stress over the little things. But do celebrate when you accomplish what is within your reach.
Surround yourself with positive thoughts, and people. One of the worst things any goal-oriented person can do is listen to negativity. This has a way of destroying your mindset. Instead of things that drain, us mentally and physically, try spiritual and uplifting quotes. Read daily from books geared toward success or positive goals.
This doesn’t apply to how –to- books only but others that share a common interest.
I find this very refreshing and helps to point me in the right direction as well keep me on track.
Consistency is something I preach and practice daily. You can’t be wishy-washy if you want to stay motivated, or maintain a clear career path.
Okay I get it we aren’t robots, so sometimes we do go off track occasionally. Regularity is as important to our career as it is to our daily diet.
Sometimes we do lose focus and forget why we started our journey. This is where you should remind yourself of the purpose, what you desire to achieve your goals and how great it will feel when you accomplish them.
Many people try yoga or meditation to help them stay focused and keep themselves surrounded by positive energy. If you don’t practice these two methods of channeling power, it is essential to apply the application in other ways.
One of which is staying away from people who detract from the positive flow of energy. They work like tornadoes and black holes that suck up and destroy everything in their path.
The word motivation implies enthusiasm passion a desire to stimulate and be proactive. As long as we keep these things in mind we stay the course and maintain momentum on the road to success.
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