The Power of Life and Death at the Hands of Writers

          Sometimes, the amount of power wielded by a signature, a paragraph and even the tongue, can make or break another person’s future, their heart or destroy them completely.

          Often, we fail to realize that life and death is found in the power of the tongue. We are all familiar with the passage of scripture in the bible that says exactly this. In this case, a writer’s hands.

          I was recently given a page from a calendar by my grandson who overheard a conversation between his father and me.  And I quote: “The tongue has no bones but it is strong enough to break a heart. So be careful with your words.”

          I was immediately convicted.  Especially that these few words printed on a small piece of paper held the power to do so. Also, that an eight-year-old was wise enough to recognize that what I said was damaging, whether I realized it at the time or not.

          Over the years I’ve contemplated while writing, trying to decide how to word sensitive dialogue or write a particular scene without coming off as offensive. Most of the time, I’m able to complete the task victoriously and everyone comes through unscathed.

          However, there are other times, I regret what I’ve written, usually after it has already gone to print and too late to change it. I guess this would fall under the heading, mean what you say and write what you mean.

          There are times when writers are quite poignant.  They express the desires and hopes of the characters they create, wonderfully.  Without maliciousness intent, pure and with great thought.  

          They breathe life, spreading it around like seeds for wildflowers hoping to leave a lasting impression on the readers who need strengthening, no matter what the issue may be. They speak directly to the heart, splaying it wide open gracefully for the world to see.

          Then there are writers who possess the ability to mutate hate, like a virus or poison.  They don’t care about the beauty of words or how damaging and life altering a few scribbled lines can create for someone else. Death by words.

          I’ve read magazine and newspaper articles, that crucify celebrities simply because they denied them access into their worlds for whatever reason. They dig deep to find the most embarrassing secrets about them and share it with the world.

          Freedom of speech is a hot topic these days.  Everyone has something they want to protest about, whether it’s kneeling at football games, or marching in rallies that exemplify hate.  The first Amendment gives every American citizen the right to demonstrate and expound their beliefs in a positive or negative manner.

          No one seems to care about whose toes get stepped on in the process, just as long as they’re able to express their rights and opinions.  To heck with the rest of the world, it’s my voice and I’ll say what I please.  

          I’m amazed that often we don’t think about the damage left behind in the wake of self-expression. Words are powerful in good and bad ways. Simply because it’s written on paper doesn’t decrease the threat of harmful effects it might cause.  We think, that just because we don’t speak the words, it makes them less potent.  Well, sometimes actions speak a whole lot louder than words.         

          I sometimes have a good laugh with fans who ask if someone makes me angry, do I write them into a story then kill them off for revenge? The answer to that question is no.  The truth is, people make me angry all the time but I am not a vindictive person.

          Although I might take what they say to heart I don’t devise ways to destroy anyone’s character underhandedly. By striking out in ways that leaves them defenseless of the attack. Instead, I use the emotion involved by pouring it into my characters.

You see the best revenge is using hurtful situations to do good and not harmful things to those deserving of our indignation. It makes a far better story and great plot lines.

          Just like words can speak life they also can result in death.  Maybe not a physical death, but emotionally, and spiritually. Words are sharp and powerful. Just like a double-edged sword, they can annihilate or preserve life by cutting away the damaged pieces much like a surgeon’s scalpel does when performing an operation.  

          Words do have power to bring about life or death.  And dangerous minds are not always as diabolical as the words suggest. It simply means, that knowledge is powerful.  And it should be used to reform how we think as a whole. To approach social issues that create boundaries, and draw lines to separate and make us inhumane to the rights of others.   

          The power of life and death, is not relegated to writers only. It’s something everyone should consider each time before opening their mouths to speak.

 Will you we be a blessing to someone or a curse?  The decision is yours to make.   

Keep writing, keep thinking.




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