Acquiring Knowledge Through Words

To my greatest horror, I’ve discovered that many individuals hate anything associated with reading. Whether, it’s the morning paper, contracts, textbooks, threads on social media, the bible or just reading in general. They would rather have their toenails yanked out whole, than pick up any sort of reading material.

What a travesty, and major disappointment. We haven’t even gotten to the disadvantages yet. So, let me start right there. Not reading is something, although we try our best, is really next to impossible to accomplish. It’s part of our daily cycle whether we realize it or not.

We rush through important documents rarely paying attention to the fine print, or scan every other line leaving out all the details. This is not good on so many levels.

Now let’s switch gears and move on to what I really want to discuss. Which is reading to acquire knowledge. Hosea 4:6 states: “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” Even God thinks so and he said it first.

Reading is fundamental especially if you want to become a writer or already in the process. You can’t even be a mediocre writer without first obtaining some knowledge and wisdom. How do you get it? By reading. Any and everything that you can get your hands on.  

I know what you’re thinking, but it’s not true. Reading books will not lead to the possibility of you plagiarizing someone else’s work. Unless you are a very bad writer from the start and simply have no writing skills at all. And cheating is what you do best. Actually, it builds up your skills and exposes you to many styles of writing, voices and genres when you do allow yourself to enjoy a great book by any of your favorite authors.

When I first became a writer, I stopped reading period. Because the horror of stealing someone else’s words frightened me to death too. Reading was something I loved more than a big juicy burger and fries on the side. I loved it more than watching Saturday morning cartoons, as a child. I loved it more than going outside on a summer day to sit in the warming rays of the sun.

My insatiable appetite for knowledge began shortly after I learned to read, at the age of three. Dr. Seuss had me hooked and feigning for the next story. Which further fed my hunger and I soon graduated to another level.

The library was my favorite place to visit as a child. I used my library card like it was a Visa or any other major credit card. Because it gave me access to what I truly loved. The lure of books was like anticipating a trip to the candy store. It made me very excited. I didn’t realize that the love of reading would be far reaching, which lead to my career as a writer, author, blogger, and radio host.

Learning means growing. Reading is the key to the fundamentals of knowledge. Not only that, it is inspirational, as well encouraging. I thank my mother every day for teaching me how to read. Continuing the tradition, I taught my children and currently teaching my grandkids how to read.

Reading is a gateway to learning how to process information, formulate speech, that allows us to use our imagination which makes us better thinkers. Some of the greatest writers of all time, without any doubt in my mind read other authors work.

William Shakespeare was and is one of the greatest authors and playwriters who ever lived. Not to mention if you want to learn how to write about tragedy, unrequited love and masterful plots, you should definitely add his works to you reading lists.

I know we all believe that when we first start scribbling down our ideas we wanted our style of writing to be original. But it’s okay to borrow from a selection of writers and fill your own repertoire and increase your prowess as you acquire knowledge from reading.

We all want to be the best at what we do, and the bridge to success is building your skills through reading.

We are what we read, and our writing can only excel when we capitalize on the benefit of reading.   


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