The Perfect Edit

          Now that you’ve completed your project, read and re-read every paragraph, checked for dangling participles, and subject verb agreement, there is nothing left to do, right?  Even after you’ve checked for filler and repetitive words, believe me, there is still more work to do.

          Every writer knows to achieve a perfect story you must have the necessary elements to make this possible. One of the most prominent features you can add to any story is editing.  It is essential and highly recommend that before you release your greatest masterpiece to the world, make sure you crossed all your T’s and dotted every I.


         Recently, I began a new project that is nearly completed. So far, Ive spent over two-thousands hours of editing. Trust me, I have only scratched the surface, but a more trained eye will be able to catch things I have overlooked.


 Although, I have given this project my utmost attention, I’m wise enough to know this is not my area of expertise. No matter how hard I’ve tried to pay attention to every detail and perfect my work, it requires more than I can give and must be sent for more extensive editing.

      This is crucial folks.  I know that just because we know how to write doesn’t mean we have every market covered when it comes to storytelling.  Let’s face it, we don’t know everything. Unless you have a degree, or a skill set for editing, then it is wise and vital you pass this phase of the project on to more capable hands.

          I know letting go is hard to do.  Ive been there and done this on many occasions. It’s okay because I know exactly how you feel when it comes to other hands handling your work. Is is like a prized possession, a treasure you’re unsure if it’ll will be treated with tender loving care.

Let’s be honest, sometimes, we can be over sensitive to scrutiny when unfavorable suggestions are made.  But understand, it is only part of the process.  Each and every work of art must undergo critical changes. Sounds devastating I’m sure but totally necessary. Remember, a wound won’t heal without the skilled hands of a surgeon who will subject it to cutting to promote healing and growth.

You are not alone on this journey. If you were to have this conversation with a multitude of other writers, they will tell you and recommend further editing by experienced hands.

This can only improve the strides you’ve made to perfect your masterpiece.

So, remember, the perfect story deserves a perfect edit.

Happy writing.



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