Noteworthy Writing

            Have you ever wondered why there are so many successful authors? It’s not all about great advertising and keeping a social media presence. It’s directly attributed to noteworthy writing.

            Throughout this year, I’ve read a ton of books. Great ones and not so great. But the books I found extremely entertaining was due to excellent writing.

            A variety of genre’s captured my attention kept me deeply engrossed throughout the story. Honestly, I didn’t want them to end.

            The thing that fascinated me most about the books I read, over half of them weren’t A listed authors. I wasn’t familiar with their work at all.

            Now, it’s important to understand in a market filled with millions of writers, all over the world. The probability of this occurring is high.

            Of which I think is awesome to have choices. Mix and match like food items for a great meal. You wouldn’t want to eat the same foods every day, would you? So, your reading selections need a little variety too.     

            It got me thinking, as I often do. Intrigued by how some authors achieve bestseller status. And others not so much. I can’t begin to tell you how many times I’ve highly anticipated a great read and disappointed when the story didn’t live up to the expectation.

I felt robbed, let down by the celebrity status of the author. Fooled into thinking, my socks were about to be knocked off, but sucker punched instead.             

            Well written plots, watertight editing, sheer perfection, is what readers want from an author without the big-name buzz applied to any of them. This is the definition of noteworthy as it applies to writing.

            Now I know everyone has a list of their favorite authors, and possibly on my list as well. But there are so many writers and authors who are understated but great at what they do.

            I don’t understand why they haven’t reached best seller status yet. It may be attributed to low book sales, limited promotion and all that jazz. Nevertheless, my personal feelings are, the world is missing a plethora of great reads based on these algorithms.

            I’m aware that most people buy and read books based on their personal preferences. Or they allow others to dictate to them what they should and should not read.

            I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with this process, but hey there is a ton of great authors just waiting to be discovered. Yet, will remain this way if no one even know they exist.

            I love book clubs and other online reading groups who regularly make suggestions based on what they’re reading. And isn’t always geared to popularity. A fantastic way to shed some light on new talent.

            As an avid reader, I’ve extended my range of books in many assorted styles. I love romance, and at one time is all I read. But now with so many romances based sub-genres, I can still be true to my first love, but add a few others to my reading list as well.

            I love Amazon, and Audible not because they are one of the top booksellers. But because they are geared more to reader preference then popularity. Often, they will suggest books by trending authors, but tend to recommend titles based on the buyers typical reading selections.             

            For the little guys out there, who are striving to make a name for themselves. Don’t give up. Your day is coming. You are great at what you do. Don’t stop thriving. Your name isn’t a household brand yet, but give it some time because readers will know who you are based on your noteworthiness.



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