Overcoming by Achieving
Everyone wants to win and never lose. It’s part of the human psyche, desiring always to end up on top and not the bottom. It’s a sense of self preservation, we all came equipped with this defense mechanism, that keeps us striving even when the road that leads to victory is far ahead of us.
Well, we all know that sometimes we must lose a few rounds to be victorious, no matter our pursuits. And despite popular opinion, losing isn’t always a bad thing.
It teaches us humility. Something we all need to understand better and how to appreciate what it means to win, when we do win.
Winning, is like a mountain-top experience, exhilarating and powerful. Losing, however, is like the polar opposite. And no one likes the downside of not achieving any goal.
I want to talk to you today about overcoming by achieving. What does this mean? It means, first, overcoming the agony of defeat, pushing through many losses without giving up.
How many stories have you read or even viewed on television, about people who fought to get to where they are? The struggle is real, and don’t be fooled by overnight success stories. These are far and few in between. Not to say, it’s not possible nor has ever happened.
Though, I’m willing to believe most true success stories floating around came by overcoming some trial that set them back a country mile before they were triumphant. And not winners, straight out the gate.
Don’t let anyone tell you
who haven’t struggled winning is easy. Winning comes at a price. The best way
to smooth the discomfort of losing is through overcoming by achieving.
Some of the most prolific
writers of our times have shared their very own, very personal and real stories
of rejection, before acceptance happened. It’s nothing to be ashamed of,
because it’s only the reality of how unpredictable life can be.
It’s okay, although we
want a win with every try, more often than not, we must try, try, and try
again, before this happens.
Victory is sweet, and you
should savor those moments when they come too. Just be ready to recognize most
wins or followed by failure. Don’t be discouraged by this.
Failure, is only valid,
when you give up. It is also a strength builder instead of a letdown. Failure
teaches us the value of being earnest. In other words, convicted by what we
believe in, not surrendering our dreams for one disappointing outcome.
Winning, when we overcome
adversity by achieving, is the blueprint for success. As long as you believe it
is attainable. Trust me, it is. Winning, overcoming by achieving should be our
battle cry, when we face difficulties, challenging moments and disappointments.
Remember, all things are
possible, when we learn to overcome by achieving.
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