How Cover Design Help Sell Books

            You know how when you go to the market, the fruit and vegetable section, where everything isn’t prepackaged but laid bare to your viewing pleasure. It is designed this way, to allow you to scratch and sniff if you please. To squeeze, prod and poke, to know exactly what you’re getting before you make any purchases. 

            Now imagine if everything was all covered up, without a way to view before buying, with no way to gauge if what you’re buying is fresh or on the verge of fuzzing over.

            I’m glad this isn’t the case at the market or in bookstores. In most cases, just like the groceries, we can view before buying. With virtual views, or Mock Up’s, we know exactly what the book will look like and can even thumb through the pages to read a few chapters first. 

            I love this concept. In the past, before the wonderful world of virtual reality existed, we had to visit our local bookstore for the same effect.

            Don’t you just love technology? Now, we have a 3D view of the front and back cover. We even know what the layout will look like on our phones and tablets. Mock-Ups are like virtual billboards that give you a sneak peek of the book cover. 

            Book covers help sell books. It’s a no-brainer. I’ll be the first to admit, that I love checking out covers — especially romance. I’m a sucker for handsome men, and let's face it, if the guy is hella cute and sexy, I’m engaged before I even read the synopsis. 

            Cheap trick or strategic marketing? You be the judge. Either way, it’s still a great marketing tool that publishers use to draw your attention to the author's book. Just makes sense considering the market is saturated with new authors each day. People love choices, and Mock-ups are the way to go, to ensure your book stands out from the crowd. And why not? Television and movie theaters have done this for ages. 

            I love movie trailers; it’s part of the viewing experience and a great way to inform you about what’s coming next in a theater near you. I don’t know about you, but I get excited and can hardly wait for the next thriller.

            Mock-Ups work this way too. They get you heated before you even read the first paragraph. I’m addicted to them and don’t waste my time by viewing boring marquees. I want images, in bold living colors. Call me spoiled, but so what, it is what it is.

            So, before you purchase your next great read, check out the Mock Ups first, then decide wisely.


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