Writing in other Genres

            How many times have we read about actors who are stereotyped and can only portray one type of roll? Whether, it’s a romantic love interest, criminal, or the dumb guy or chick with their heads off in the clouds. Too many times, right?

            There’s nothing wrong with being great at what you do; no one can fault you for having talent. On the same token, versatility is essential as well. 

            In sports, some of the best players in history exceeded different sport levels such as basketball, baseball, and even football. Real athletes are a great example of someone who didn’t allow anyone to pigeonhole them, limiting their capabilities to only one dynamic based on their first choice of sport and excel at what they do.

            Skill is a skill. A specific skill set should never bind anyone simply because they performed well at doing it. You are the only one who is in control of how you broaden your horizons.

            This is also true for writers. Who says simply because you prefer one genre over another means you can’t explore new ones? It’s crucial as an artist to discover your talent. 

            It’s like buying shoes. Most of us girls love stilettos, but we are versatile, therefore never limited to our personal taste, to only these types of shoes. We sample different brands, colors, and comfort levels. Sometimes, we go crazy and do flats. 

            I don’t know about you, but I’m not afraid to step outside of the norm and try on something different. The same applies to writing. 

            I’m selective when it comes to my reading material also. I’m a romance writer, which is the foundation of what I write about. I understand I’m not limited to this specific genre; because I’m convinced, I can’t write historical fiction, young adult or even horror. 

I’m a writer, therefore capable of moving outside the romance boundary into new territory.

It’s okay to test the waters, don’t be afraid and never allow anyone to box you in.



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