The Importance of Book Reviewers

Whoever coined the phrase “silence is golden,” well didn’t know that for authors it means the survival of their books. In any business, silence from consumers is deadly.

We want and need to hear from you, especially authors. Our livelihood is partially based on your critiques. 

Now I know we should be careful what we ask for because often book reviewers words can cut you deep. What they say ain’t always great.

Still, your comments and opinions are necessary to the life of an author. Book sales and future readers depend on you to speak your peace, whether good or bad.

To be honest, I’d rather have a reader tell me exactly what they loved or hated about my book. This way, when the next reader scrolls through the list of potential books, they’ll know what they're getting.

But the real reason I love reviews is that they publicize what you already know is true about your book.

The more said, the more other readers are likely to choose your book based on what previous readers have pronounced as the gospel truth.

I’ve had a host of reviews and can say most of them have been favorable if not glowing. I mean what author doesn’t like great reviews.

I’ve always said that constructive criticism isn’t meant to damage your career, but to point out your weaknesses so you can work on making them into strengths.

I’ve learned a lot about book reviews and how they aid your success. Especially book enthusiast that host club meetings. You ever wonder how they know which books to choose?

Well, those reviews attached to your book is probably the reason.  

Overall, book reviews are necessary because it validates you as a writer and shows you have an established audience who or loyal and dedicated to helping you achieve your goals.

Just remember talk is cheap, but some words are worth more than gold.


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