Algorithms and Book Sales
Have you ever wondered what in the world an algorithm is? Yeah, me too until I discovered it is tied to social media and marketing. It is all about the algorithm these days folks.
For those of you who are still confused, allow me to use Webster’s definition of algorithm to explain exactly what it is and how it works. So in mathematics and computer science, an algorithm (/ˈælɡərɪðəm/ ) is a finite sequence of well-defined, computer-implementable instructions, typically to solve a class of problems or to perform a computation. Algorithms are unambiguous specifications for performing calculation, data processing, automated reasoning, and other tasks.
Okay, so we now know it is based on calculations and data processing. No big deal right? Except it is. Have you ever studied your social media page and wondered why you only see certain topics or advertisements?
Well the reason for this is largely due to your viewing habits. I read a lot and so, mostly what I see are ads for other authors and all things dealing with books.
Okay, so now that we’ve cross that bridge, let me link it all together and move on to the next topic of how it affects book sales and how algorithms can boost or break the bank for authors. Especially Self-published.
Let’s focus on Amazon, since we know
it is the largest platform for Indie titles. According to Book Marketing
Tools.com Author Nicholas Rissis says, it’s a closely guarded secret, Amazon’s sales rank
algorithm remains a perpetual source of confusion and myth. Amazon won’t
disclose their proprietary algorithms, but thanks to some clever analysis by
indie authors, that formula has been reverse engineered. And once you
understand that formula, the quirks of sales rank make much more sense, and you
can use them to your advantage.
Amazon’s Secret Algorithm
The basics of Amazon’s
algorithm are as follows:
Sales rank is relative, and
changes in rank may be due to the performance of other books
Higher sales rank does not mean
higher overalls sales
It takes half as many sales to sustain a rank as it does to
initially hit it
A launch day blitz may briefly attain a high sales rank, but steady,
organic growth will sustain it
Pre-orders increase visibility and
jump-start your book’s sales rank
Kindle Unlimited downloads
immediately affect your sales rank, regardless of whether they are read
What does all this mean
for your marketing?
You need to be running some
form of significant promotion monthly and rotate that around your library. Have each of your books on sale, countdown deal
or giveaway each month. Advertise the promotion, to make the most of it. And be
sure to have a big push for your “Flagship” titles once every six
months, or they could die away.
Amazon ads, Google Adwords, and FB ads can also help keep a steady
stream of sales to help build “traction” inside the algorithm.
Why is this important? Because the more “banked” sales you have,
the more responsive your title is to a sales push. As author Carolyn McCray explains,
flagship title will rise much more quickly through the rankings under the exact
same sales push than a younger title with less historical sales to its credit.
And the difference can be huge. McCray mentions that her better-selling
titles can rise as much as quadruple the rankings than a less selling one –
with the same amount of units sold. The key factor is long-term sales and
this “traction” you have inside the algorithm.
You can think of Amazon’s algorithm as an equation that is constantly
downgrading your chances at getting into the alsobot queue
– that list of books under each title page that reads, “Customers who bought
this also bought…” This is the single largest sales source on Amazon, and you
need to keep reminding the algorithm that you can sell enough books to keep
those alsobot slots alive. So, run strategic promotions to both
maximize your ROI and keep the algorithm happy.
But this also means that you need to write a lot. You
need at minimum 12 books/collections out to really make a go of this,
and even more is better so that you can constantly have marketing promotions in
the mix.
Still, volume alone does not sell books. No one will talk about
your book if they can’t find it. The vast majority of people on Amazon find
their books through the alsobot and the bestselling
lists. Both of which are predicated on you selling enough books to keep
your name out there.
This doesn’t happen by magic. It happens by promotion. And
promotion is only successful if you understand how the algorithm works!
So, are we clear as mud now as to how it all works? If not, you
can visit Bookmarketingtools.com
For more tips on algorithms.
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