The Stress of Success
We all know how it feels when we accomplish a task. There is a high associated with each triumph. We like the thrill of success, but not everyone can handle the responsibility that comes along with it.
Don’t misunderstand me, success is wonderful, it’s the all-American dream to have all that you desire in life. But not everyone is built to handle such an enormous task.
Oh yeah, we like the glitz and glitter that’s attached to the prize, but the side effects are often detrimental to those who aren’t strong enough to carry that weight.
We see it, on all the entertainment shows, and in the news, where people became overwhelmed with being successful. Some feel as though they’ve lost their identity, their purpose, and suddenly, what they thought was the greatest thing ever has become an albatross around their necks.
Now let me say this, success doesn’t necessarily mean you will become rich and famous or obtain celebrity status. It merely means you’ve reached a goal. And I’m all for that.
Success often brings on stressful situations in our lives. Not only does it affect us mentally but physically and spiritually too. The demands are enormous which means we must strive that much harder to keep that title. That often outweigh the benefits.
With all great achievements comes greater responsibility. Because let’s face it, we all want to be on top and stay there. Usually, this is an oversight but should be part of the master plan.
Life is filled with many stressful moments that we face daily. Still, we shouldn’t allow our greatest achievements to be an obstacle along our path. The best advice is to plan strategically.
Success can be stressful, but it doesn’t have to take away from the joy of winning.
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