Defeating Writer's Block

            What is writer's block? Well, it’s the slowdown of a creative process—the inability to focus and lowered production.
            Writer’s block isn’t the end of the world, or does it hint of a lack of commitment. All it means is that you’ve allowed the outside world to intrude upon your inner thoughts.  
            With many things happening in the world today, it’s easy to become distracted and suffer from a lack of focus. Pandemics, politics, and so much more have polarized our attention from our writing process. Couple that with stress, mental fatigue, and a multitude of other issues, and you get a horrid case of writer’s block to contend with.
            All those things can distract from our daily writing goals. We try hard to remain dedicated to our craft, but it’s so hard to do that when our minds pulled in other directions.
            So how long can writer’s block last? Brilliant question. Some may feel the effect for a few hours, and others maybe longer.
            However, there are some practical ways to remain steadfast to what we love, and when we practice these skills, we are on our way to overcoming writer's block.
            I’ve compiled for you a list of ways to defeat writer’s block, as suggested by authornews.penguinrandomhouse.com
10 Ways to Beat Writer's Block
1.      Take a Hike.
2.      Write Yourself Out of It.
3.      Write Anything.
4.      Get a Little Help from a Friend.
5.      Deny, Deny, Deny.
6.      Sleep On It.
7.      Find Your Touch.
8.      Let Your Subconscious Do the Work.
9.      Stay put
10.  Show me the money.

We’re human and, therefore, susceptible to most things, but you can overcome them and writer's block when you have a plan to defeat it.


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