The Importance of Perseverance


 We are all familiar with the phrase; the early bird gets the worm. Try try and try again until you succeed. And my personal favorite, closed mouths don’t get fed.

Recently, I experienced a triumph and accomplished a goal that I hadn’t set for myself. Along the way, I realized that I possessed a powerful tool called communication and reached a broader audience due to perseverance.

When I began this journey, my expectations weren’t very high regarding listeners and popularity. However, I didn’t let any negative responses due to listener participation or otherwise stand in the way.

Despite those two crucial avenues, I still reached a milestone and believed that what I say as a podcast host and writer is invaluable. Thanks to those who listen to Book Chat weekly, I have surpassed 10,000 Downloads. That may not seem substantial in some markets, but a significant accomplishment for a fifteen-minute once-a-week podcast.

Thank you.

Through perseverance, it became possible to reach a broader audience. Plus, encourage, enlighten, and uplift by creating a positive narrative.   

In a competitive world, it’s easy to allow distractions to pull your focus away from your goals. That can lead to unaccomplished projects no matter what they are.

Often, it’s not always distractions that lead to failure but people who discourage you from accomplishing your goals.

So I’m here to tell you don’t allow naysayers to dissuade you from your dreams.

Maybe they don’t mean to be harmful when giving opinions, but if you value them, that goes without saying. You listen to what they say.

Words are powerful, which means they can make or break you in many ways.

But you must persevere and push through by not forgetting who you are. The opinion of oneself is not always linked to vanity but confidence.

As I’ve said many times, no one will believe in you if you don’t believe in yourself first.

Even if you’re told that if you haven’t reached a certain level of success within a certain amount of time, then somehow you’ve failed.

That’s untrue because we continuously learn and grow at our own pace. There is no race, only perseverance.

But allow me to encourage you further. It’s not about fortune or popularity. It’s about knowing your worth.  So don’t be afraid to step out on faith and trust that the prayers of the righteous availeth much.

So don’t be afraid to speak your truths through perseverance. Setbacks will occur, but don’t allow them to hobble your movement. In the end, it will not only look like you made it but it will be confirmed.




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