Listening to your Inner Voice




Growing up, I always got sound advice from my mother. She was a spiritual person anchored in Christianity. So whenever I would come to her needing her help for anything I was unsure of, she’d say, “Baby listen to your inner voice.”


Now I understand that meant we all were born with survival skills or intuitive senses that alert us to danger or anything that’s not kosher, commonly called intuition.


Explore and learn the power of intuition and how to tap into it for personal growth and success. Delving into the science behind intuition allows you to research and discuss real-life examples of people who have used it to their advantage.


Whether you want to make significant life decisions, navigate challenging situations, or improve your overall well-being, today’s show will give you the tools to listen to and trust your inner voice.


You’ll learn to differentiate between your intuition and fear or other emotions, strengthen your intuition, and apply it practically to your life.


Take yourself on a journey of self-discovery and learn to harness the power of your intuition.


How you apply that to your life is based on whether or not you listen to the inner voice or intuition that can guide you to a higher level of productivity or ineffectual situations that lead to nowhere.



I was always an apt listener to my mother and the inner voice she spoke about.


Often that voice spoke loudly and so profoundly that I couldn’t silence it. It reminds me of Jeremiah 20:09 when he said God’s words were like a burning fire in his bones.


Sometimes the feeling is so strong that it can affect you similarly. Ignoring particular feelings can lead to missed opportunities. Most successful individuals can attest to instinctual guidance instead of leaning toward their understanding.  


Gut reactions are a whole thing and not simply based on logic. You can’t always explain the unexplainable, like hesitating before going at a green light or looking both ways again before crossing a busy intersection.


Intuition has saved lives and launched careers into the stratosphere.

What I know for sure is that God does nothing arbitrarily. He has built a warning system and inspirational guide inside us all. Why not use it to our advantage?


Applying the inner voice to our everyday lives can make the difference between success and failure, happiness and misery, and even life and death.


When you feel it act on it. The inner voice is never wrong. 


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