Aspiration & Inspiration


        John Legend couldn’t have said it better in his titled album Get Lifted. Just like that song and last week’s events left me filled with inspiration, fueled by our new president’s speeches, past presidents, and a 22-year-old poet laureate.


     I clapped, cheered, and shed a few tears of joy for those who shared a stage united for the same cause.


    What an honor and humbling experience at the same time. To have witnessed that incredible historical moment. Proud and hopeful just from watching someone else’s success.


     How can this not inspire anyone into becoming whatever life has called them to be? It was like a call to duty and expression of what it means to conquer setbacks and triumph over them.


That we should no longer live in the moment but become proactive because of the moment.


            If, for some reason, you’ve lost sight of that mission, let me remind you it’s not over yet.  


How do I know this?


   Well, because sometimes we need special events and people who raise the bar on expectations to get us moving again.

   To remind us that we are who we say we are, stoke the fires of ambition, and get back to productivity.


   After all the pomp and circumstance of last week’s special events, excitement overtook me and renewed in me my spirit of creativity.


  The desire to become more focused and honest about my goals and to reach them. I reassessed what is essential for my success and how to go about achieving this goal.


  There should always be a definite objective and in what it takes to get there. As a rule, don’t be afraid to live up to your own expectations. Remember, if you don’t believe in yourself, no one else will either.


 The winning formula is aspiration fueled by inspiration; it doesn’t take a lot; all you need is a little of both.  So let’s all get lifted.







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