Why The Publishing Industry Isn’t Recommended for Thin-Skinned Individuals.



One of my favorite Lines from Death Becomes Her starring Meryl Streep, Goldie Hawn, and Bruce Willis is the scene when Meryl’s character shotgun blasts Goldie’s, leaving a gaping hole in her middle, at which time she quotes that line.


It’s a funny scene, if not brutal but poignant for today’s topic. The publishing industry can be just as brutal at rejections, and why if you’re not built for bad or unfavorable news, you may want to choose a different profession.


In life, we must learn to accept that all pictures don’t display rosy scenes, nor will every decision be favorable.


Over time you will develop how to accept the good with the bad. Even if you’re tender-skinned right now, eventually, like a callous, your skin will toughen.


I know negativity can be a hard pill to swallow, no matter how sugar-coated it may be.


Still, to help us grow and become better equipped for life, little surprises, constructive criticism, or criticism, in general, can help us do that.


Publishers desire a specific type of artist, open and willing to accept that things won’t always be a perception of their reality—one who is pliable but thick-skinned and open to change.


In other words, if you’re hypersensitive to criticism, well prepare yourself for the sometimes brutal but honest truth.  

Publishing is a major business, and they want an author who is robust, charismatic who create better than good stories. More than that, they want authors who will grant them substantial returns on their investments.


With that comes the responsibility of a butt load of stress, deadlines, and re-writes. Let's be honest most of us just aren’t cut out for this type of pressure.


Only those who are rough around the edges, and not at a mediocre level but strengthened from years of ineffectual results and pitfalls understand this message.


Those conditioned in all the right areas of their career, this message isn’t for you, but everyone else who hasn’t yet had their corners rounded from being on this arduous grind.


So, make sure your layers are thick and virtually impenetrable, and you’ll be sure to stand out for a different reason than thin skin.


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