Purposeful Content





            When I see the words blind ambition, my mind immediately goes to Madonna and her Blond Ambition tour.  Blond and the word ambition sounds like a crude joke.  And we’ve heard enough obnoxious blonde jokes, haven’t we?  No disrespect to Madonna, a fine performer, and had a winning world tour back in the day.


            Have you ever considered why you write?  Is it because of the overwhelming desire to create or the benefits of creating content?


Well, if you answered yes to either of these questions, allow me to break down the differences between creating content vs. purposeful content.


Everything we do should have a valid reason for that.  Also, ambition isn’t a bad thing and never try it blindly but with a visionary view.


Blind ambition simply means not seeing past your desire.  When we picture what we hope to attain by creating purposeful content, our mission becomes focused, therefore, attainable with limitless possibilities.


A great example of blind ambition is Shakespeare, Macbeth.  A brave Scottish general who believed he would become king one day.  Instead of letting things progress with a visionary view, he hurried them along, and his ambition became his downfall.


Ambition shouldn’t be the only reason for existence, nor should it become a stumbling block either.  All we do should be a well-thought-out logical process.


Purposeful content is lasting, inspirational, and encouraging to others.  It should be meaningful and informative instead of material like social media clickbait.



I don’t know about you, but I’ve had my fill of stories, movies, or social media posts that only do one thing, take up valuable space in our lives.

Not everything in life has to be serious either, but it should have meaning.  We should want our contribution to the world to add value and not take that away.


Isn’t it better to leave lasting impressions that change lives?  Think of it in terms of Why, What, and How.  Why am I doing this?  What is the goal, and How will I achieve it.  It’s better to have a great plan vs. a good one—a definitive trademark of purposeful creation.


When you begin your creative journey, think about these two things.  Will it be creative content in general or purposeful content?  You decide but make it count. 


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