Conquering Fear




Franklin D. Roosevelt, in an inaugural address, said, “Nothing to fear but fear itself.” But what was, does that mean?


Well, I think the intent implies that whatever scares you is probably far less scary than it is.


After all, Psalm 23:4 reminds us that we should fear no evil, whatever that evil may be.


In this case, it’s fear itself.


One of the most significant setbacks for humankind is fear of the unknown. If you can overcome that, you face another hurdle, self-doubt.


But back to fear. Why is it so debilitating? Why does it cause us to seize up?


First, fear is real; otherwise, the Bible wouldn’t have pointed this out to us. Secondly, it can hold us back in many ways if we don’t learn how to conquer it.


That’s today’s lesson, conquering fear.


To conquer whatever your fear may be, you must first face it head-on.


I could list fear-conquering suggestions, but I won’t.


Everyone should come to terms with how they face fears and deal with them because each fear is different, much like the people it affects.


What works for some may yield a different outcome for others.


But what I will say is don’t let it become the master of your life.


We’ve seen devastating examples of what fear does when you allow it to manage your life instead of the other way around.


Since Halloween is a few days, many scary movies depicting what not to do in fearful situations have taken over the streaming world.


From my recliner, I yell at the flat screen as if the characters can hear me say don’t go down to the basement or outside, where the zombies will eat you!


The movies are fictional, but in the real world, we allow fear to dictate the outcome in many situations.


However, to become our best selves, we must put fear in its place. Whatever you’ve planned for your life will stagnate and die if you don’t.


Maybe you haven’t submitted your manuscript because you’re afraid of rejection.


Food for thought, Stephen King’s manuscript for Carrie was rejected 30 times before it became an instant best-seller.


But do you know what he did in the meanwhile? He kept on trying until he found success. He did not allow fear of rejection to stop him.


Neither should you. Or any other fears. This message isn’t only for writers but anyone who hasn’t faced their fears.


You become stronger and better when you face your fears because you won’t allow it to stand in your way.


Everything in life is conquerable. Remember that the next time you come face to face with fear. If you do, then:


You can

You will

You succeed. 


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