The Importance of Book Reviews

A few months back I did a show on Book Reviewers called “Say What!” Of which I spoke about being reviewed and the sometimes-negative response of those who critique our work. Well today, I want to spend some time on why Book Reviews and reviewers are important and as well essential to obtaining more readers based on this opinion.
I’ve said on many other occasions that selling books is a very competitive business, so is writing. Everyone wants to write the next best seller, a very admirable thought but is it feasible?
Of course it is, but it’s not solely based on your prowess as a writer but how well the market, i.e.. the audience like and write about your stories. Don’t mistake what I’m saying because great writing skills is always necessary. However, I believe it is the genre you choose to write about that compels the audience to interact with you through reviews most of the time.
Case and point, I’ve recently discovered paranormal and science fiction stories that I absolutely love. Not that I didn’t know they existed before, but romance was my thing so I was dedicated to that only. When I say the market is on fire for these types of stories, I am not exaggerating. Not only are they top sellers, but the scores of reviews, some into the thousandths is mind-blowing.  
Well I decided to explore new horizons and stumbled upon some incredible books along the way based on what other readers were saying about this popular genre of fiction.
Thus with my new found love of this style of writing, Inspired me to share my discoveries with my audience as well, and potential new readers who are undecided as to what really sparks their interest.
This is where I started paying close attention to what other readers said about their experiences.
If this wasn’t clear before, reviews are the way to make that happen.
As I eagerly anticipated the next story, my process was, initiate a search for authors I was familiar with only. Now based on book reviews, I can chose from a huge selection of potential authors, by reading the posts and paying attention to how many stars are given to each review along with what is written about the story.  
In the past, I, like so many other readers, would read a great book not thinking that perhaps someone else outside of my world would actually like to know as well read the books for themselves. 
Not because I selfishly kept the information to myself, but because I didn’t realize how important book reviews were and are. There was a time before I started writing, I spent a great deal of hours reading and I did pass these books on to others, especially my sister. After she and I read the books, we’d discuss and share our opinions on the story, the highs and lows, and that’s as far as it went.
However, I found what others had to say interesting as well very helpful.
Just recently, I learned how important it is to not keep such information in my general circle of family and friends, but complete a review process of each book I read. Everyone knows what they like and have their own opinions, but I wanted to share my thoughts too on the subject.
Let me just add, I don’t always adhere to this process of selecting books, I also read the synopsis and blurbs associated with the story before forming any opinions and making my selection.
I particularly love the reading apps that are so prevalent now that allow you to express your thoughts, as if you are a major book reviewer with a headline and star rating system. This is such a useful feature for the author and buyer.
It is ingenious and it not only helps others to find great books, but also boost sales for authors.
This is a great avenue for the discovery of new authors. Still with all of these helpful tools available, some readers still refuse to leave comments and if so, very grudgingly, whereas others seemed enthused about what they are reading and passing this information on.
Now I am mindful that not everyone can or will adapt to the notion that they can impact the lives of both authors and readers just by performing the simple task of leaving a review.
 Perhaps they view it as a waste of time or just don’t care. I perceive not.
I love reading and especially great stories, but most of all sharing them. Now I must confess, though motivated to read, at one time was slow to share. Not because I didn’t want to, but because technology wasn’t always so user friendly.
Word of mouth was all I had, and is still the best way to advertise in some cases. But I did try to spread the word around to those people who liked to read the same as I do.
Now, technology has become the writer as well the reader’s best friend. This is a great partnership that I suggest everyone invest in.
We all know reading is fundamental, but so is linking book reviews to potential buyers.
The book market is a booming business within itself, and with so many authors out there, it is useful to link customers to prospective talent.
Moving forward, every book I read, I try to give a positive response, whether if I liked the story or not. Now I’m not one for bashing people, keep in mind I am an author and I depend on book readers to give complimentary reviews to my work also. So it is in my best interest to treat others as I would myself.
Because I understand, that it is not always based on how the story was written, but one’s perception of how they wanted the story to go.
I respect all reviewers’ opinions, but I reserve the right to discover for myself if I am a fan or not. I wouldn’t expect any less from anyone else.
 Would you buy a car without test driving it first, or sampling a new product without educating yourself? No, you would do the most logical thing and look for others who have gone before you.
If you’re like me you stick to what you know. Often what others think might be based on, popular opinion and you shouldn’t trust that either.
Honesty is still the best policy even when related to books. I’m not one for hyping an author based on popularity. I try to be fair whether it’s a well-known author or someone emerging through the sea of first time writers.
It is crucial to be fair, and score the rating based on these methods: writing, clarity, editing, character development, plot, and story-line.
Sometimes I cringe and even laugh at reviews because some are just humorous. The majority of most reviewers are “wanna be writers” and believe they know everything there is about the art.
Nevertheless, I respect the knowledge of those who are dedicated readers and spend countless hours reading, therefore qualified to give their opinions.
You can tell the ones who have the technique down. Their reviews are spot on, honest and less critical than someone who is just out to ruin an author’s reputation, for the simple reason they have nothing better to do with their time.
Regardless, even if this is true, we as writers are super sensitive about our work. Yes, we want to know what people are saying, at the same time we must be willing to acknowledge the responsibility of handling negative feedback when it occurs even though you might not like it.
The fact remains some reviewers are brutally honest. As a writer, you must become tough skinned if you are to survive the barbs often shot our way. As well acceptable, to their truths even if you can’t handle it.
I can’t stress how important it is that readers become reviewers because their opinions do matter. A very necessary part and useful advertisement tool for any writer’s career to have someone give the dirty lowdown, sometimes it is, but a necessary truth.
Overall, we need each other. Communication is key, on both accounts. The importance of book reviews is very necessary, although some might disagree. As an author, I want to be discussed, whether positively or negatively. The important thing is starting a conversation. Book reviews and or reviewers are the best way to create dialog between the writer and reader.
So for all of the writers and readers out there, keep the exchange going and remember, book reviews equal more potential readers and sales.


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