The Importance of Self-Motivation

          One of my favorite scenes from the Wizard of Oz, is when Glenda, the Good Witch and Dorothy meet at the end, and she tells her that she always had the power to go home.  She just needed to believe in herself.  The journey she and all her friends embarked upon was to strengthen what was already there.  The catalyst for self-encouragement. We all need motivation, no matter how it applies to our daily lives.    However, we must learn to self-motivate without looking to others to do it for us. 

          One of the most devastating things that can destroy you from within is doubt.  It takes up residence like a squatter and refuses to be evicted. The key to overruling this unwanted occupant, is to prove your authority over the trespasser.

          Much like Dorothy, the ability to enact your inner strength is by believing that you can. Nothing can invade your stronghold, unless you lower your defenses from within.

          Self-encouragement, is one of the most crucial elements for success.  That outweighs both talent and skill.  If you don’t believe in yourself, then no one else will either.  You don’t need a hype-man like a performer, to stand before the crowd and build you up by saying all the right words.  After the splendor dies down, you are left with the after-effects of artificial stimulation. 

          How do we overcome self-doubt and understand that it is an enemy?  A destructive force that seeps in like fog, that overshadows visibility and destroys our confidence. One thing is, trusting in your own abilities. Learning your strengths and weaknesses.  

          Exercise, is great for the body.  It builds muscle and trims away fat that clogs the arteries, disallowing blood to flow freely through the veins.  Now, if bodybuilding keeps our physiques in tip-top shape, how much more do you stand to gain by applying this same technique to our minds.

          I have been a writer for a great deal of my life.  When I first started this journey of creativity, I was too afraid to share my work with anyone else.  Because I thought, it wasn’t good enough when compared to other authors or books I’d read.

          I am a very spiritual person, who believes in prayer.  On my discovery to greater truths, I learned that only through Christ, that I could do all things because of the inner strength that came through him.  I realized, just like Dorothy, that to build confidence within myself, I first had to believe, then step out on faith that I could accomplish any task placed before me.   

          Motivation, from those who believe in us is okay.  But we must never rely upon someone else to issue our daily inspiration when we can do this ourselves.

          It’s okay to doubt in our abilities sometimes.  We’re human, and therefore, fallible.   Situations, often affect our capability to see beyond personal weaknesses.  But when you tell yourself, through self-encouragement I can rise above whatever life serves me today, you can and will.

          Yes, it is tough and a heavy burden to move forward and past discouragement that sometimes comes from those around us.  Often from within our own camp. 

          Listen, you are so much greater than you know.  But, you must stay positive and don’t allow naysayers within your circle.  Positivity, is a driving force that keeps us headed in the right direction. 

          Don’t ever lose focus, of where you want to go.  Like a horse with blinders on, sometimes we have to live our lives this way, in terms of motivation to stay the course. 

          Failure, is a common reality, Determination, is also.  How you relate to these two things is largely based on self-motivation, or the lack thereof.

I want to leave you with these three core values of self-motivation.

Inspiration, Motivation, and Achievement. Remember, you already own the ability and can achieve if you believe.  

          Stay Encouraged.




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