The Benefits of Meditation

One of the things I always do in the mornings when I awake is pray.  It prepares me for whatever the day might bring. I practice meditation daily, in one form or another.  It helps to clear my thoughts and is especially useful when it comes to writing.  Sometimes, I have trouble focusing.  My mind is everywhere, all at once.  My schedule is often hectic, and seems there are fewer hours in a day to achieve every goal. Meditation, is a way for me to maintain control over stress, and writers block. 

There are many ways that this method of redirecting your thoughts is beneficial.  Such as physical, mental, emotional, and my favorite spiritual.

Meditation reduces stress.

It improves concentration.

It encourages a healthy lifestyle.

The practice increases self-awareness.

It increases happiness.

Increases acceptance.

It slows aging.

The practice benefits cardiovascular and immune health.

Bet you weren’t aware of all these perks?

Our moods work as a catalyst for many problems associated with life in general.  Depression, is a major issue that many suffer with and meditation is a wonderful way to help suppress the symptoms.

Some individuals seek quietness to deal with this disorder.  While others use food as a device, drink and indulge in drugs to mask the signs.

Why, expose your body to unhealthy practices when you can just go to a neutral space, block out everything else and meditate.

At one time, I suffered from anxiety attacks.  I wore many hats back then, a wife and mother, college student and whatever else my expertise called for.  I have to admit it all become overwhelming.  The natural inclination in this situation is to shut down.  However, I couldn’t do that and perform my daily functions at the same time.

What I learned instead of filling my body with prescription medications was the effectiveness of meditation.  Before I went to bed each night, I would tune the radio to soothing music.  Classical is my favorite.  I focused on the melodic sound of the instruments.  Each chord of the violin or piano helped to center me and enabled me to fall asleep free of stress.

Coupled with the morning routine of meditation, became the best defense for the panic attacks and acted like a balm for my body, spirit, and mind.

This simple technique helped me to overcome, the suffocating effects of the illness.  Little did I know, it would translate over into my professional life as a writer.

Those of you who write for a living know exactly of what I speak.  There are deadlines, and edits, changes and re-writes associated with this profession.  At times can get the better of us even a seasoned writer.

I’m being candid about the discussion because of last week’s topic, Transparency in Writing.  Opening up about difficult subject matter is yet another form of meditation.

Out with the bad in with new, right?

It’s a form of internal cleansing that eliminates the bad energy and allows good energy to flow freely.

Our minds are incubators for stressful thoughts. That grow daily when we hold it all inside instead of freeing our minds through meditation.

Freeing the mind, promotes good mental health and strengthens the body.

I’m not a scientist nor a physician, but intelligent enough to discern the changes in my body, mind and soul when I practice meditation.

Remember, meditation is better than medication.



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