Mind Over Matter

            One of my favorite gospel songs is I Can’t Give Up Now.  Truer words, have never been spoken.  I look at the miles behind me and say, wow!  Look how far I’ve come, and I can’t turn back.  This is where I apply mind over matter.  What are my goals in life?  And how important is it to me that I reach them.

Every day, I speak this mantra; Never Give Up, Never Give In.  If we accept defeat, too easily we will never achieve our goals. At the first sign of defeat we want to tap out and give up.  We will never succeed in this life if we don’t hang in there when things get rough.

Life, is often fragile, forever changing and always challenging.  A trial within itself, but worth hanging in there for. 

A friend once said to me, “why do you care so much? The way I see it, is like mind over matter.  If I don’t mind then it doesn’t matter.”  Okay I got what he said, even if it didn’t apply to my own philosophy on life. And in many ways, I agree but in a different context.

Mind over matter for me, is always pressing onward and upward.  Moving toward the mark of success, through trials and whatever else life throws my way.

For years, I struggled with inhibitions because of my introversions.  I was afraid to venture outside of my comfort zone.  But living inside this net of safety was not going to get me to where I wanted to be as a writer.

My personal journey began with journaling.  Keeping track of my introspective thoughts that later branched out to developing characters to take on the roles I had created for them inside my mind.  However, I almost sabotaged myself.  Often, I was more critical of my talent than any naysayer could ever be.

I had to step out on faith.  Stop saying someday and start speaking, right now.

Audrey Hepburn once said, possible is in the word impossible. If you break it down it reads I’m possible. All things are, but you have to truly believe before you will see it.

When I first accepted my gift of being a writer, I struggled with it.  Although I knew that I was a storyteller born and bred.  But uncertain of how good I was due to self-doubt and the often-negative opinions of others.

Once I got past my personal challenges, I fell right back into the destructive mode of allowing myself to feed into the negativity circulating around me.

Basically, I was setting myself up for failure. At the baby stages of my career, I had to crawl before I learned to walk.  I was susceptible to criticism by some within and without my circle.

Criticism isn’t always a bad thing, especially if it prepares and strengthens you.  I accept and welcome constructive criticism.  I also had to deal with the reality that not everyone will share in the joy of your success. 

They’d rather see you fail than succeed. But this is where you have to keep an open mind. 

It’s okay to think that you are the greatest thing since sliced bread, but also bear in mind that having a big ego is a danger to your success.  I equate it to a closed fist. Nothing can get in or out.  Listening to good advice is worthwhile.

Popularity is every future success story’s dream.  We all desire to be relevant topping the charts, and one day a best-seller.  However it relates, whether you’re an author, movie personality or vocalist.  Wherever your ambitions lie, anything is possible but you must stay the course to achieve it.

I’ve never been one who needed a pat on the back.  This has never been my source of motivation. In fact, it disturbed the flow of positive energy that surrounded me. 

Humans are vain creatures by nature.  Some of us love the hype and develop a false sense of security because of it.  

What I’ve learned is that people will tell you what you want to hear, instead of what you need to hear.  I’d rather someone tell me that I’m horrible, instead of being placed high-up on a pedestal to only tumble headfirst back to the ground because of a lie.

Talk about picking your face up off the floor, this is a prime example.

Pep talk is good.  Coaches know this, and is how they lift moral and inspire motivation.  Everyone can use a great motivational speech to get you in motion.

Tell me I can’t do anything and I will prove you wrong.  This is motivation for me.  Again, mind over matter. Everyone should have a personal drive and adhere to plans they’ve laid out for their lives.

A word of advice, Anything, worth having is worth fighting for.  If success is your goal, then be prepared for setbacks.  Keep honest people in your circle, who will tell you the truth always. 

Remember, Never Give In, Never Give Up, whatever you do, wherever you go, make this part of your daily devotion.


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