What’s Your Level of Commitment?

Life is filled with high’s and lows, triumphs and failures, but how you deal with these fluctuating circumstances makes all the difference in the world. No one said that once you reached the top, you’d stay there. However, your level of commitment is the deciding facture of how you maintain equilibrium.

Winning is more than just an adventurous quest for riches, or a great tag line for motivational speakers. Though it may be none of those things, yet most certainly a state of mind. No one has ever won a race by thinking “I’m gonna lose.”

To win, you have to believe that you’re a winner. No matter the odds stacked against you. If you believe, you can achieve. The power of positive thinking should always be in control, never neutral and should dominate your goals.

Most importantly, you must be committed to them. Your mindset, sometimes overrules your skillset. Which is a setback, a step in the opposite direction.  Even when you know you’re capable of doing anything especially when you apply a little elbow grease of determination to it. Yet you allow fear and doubt to literally stop you in your tracks, instead of pushing through the uncertainties.

Realistically, there are no guarantees in life, except the ones we are aware of, taxes and death. Nevertheless, there are inevitabilities, things we know that will always affect the outcome of life.

Anything worth having is worth the time it takes to achieve it.

Okay, I understand winning isn’t everything, sometimes it’s not even the most important goal in life. But it sure feels good and is so satisfying when you’ve reached the homestretch and crossed the finish line.

I’m not saying that losing isn’t an option, because sometimes you will. But if you want success in this life, you must work for it. Earn it and own it. It’s yours for the taking. Sometimes, we circumvent our own success rate by inventing excuses as to why we don’t need it or it’s not important enough to us. If you possess the drive, then disallow obstacles to hold you back.  

Trust me, there will be plenty, that will reach out and trip you up. And why you must be alert and ready for pitfalls. Your level of commitment determines if you have staying power when these snares transpire.

Will you stay down, or get back up? The choice is up to you. I understand that sometimes defeats or greater than victories. You won’t win every battle, and I will be the first person to admit this. Because I have faced defeat in many areas of my life. Not because I tried and lost, but because I convinced myself that I would lose without taking one step. I learned to overcome my fears, and press forward.

Don’t let this be the moral to your story but the moral that motivates instead.

If you are “In It to Win It,” then just do it. Be about the business of success based on your level of commitment. If you think big, the winnings are equal.

Stay motivated, keep positive thoughts circulating and never give up without a good fight.


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