"About Face"
Facing Opposition
didn’t want to end the last show of the year as a downer. Throughout 2017, I’ve tried to give
insightful and uplifting messages to help you grow as a writer and author.
That being said, I still plan to take the year out on
a positive note.
But when you mention the word opposition, the first
thing that comes to mind is a negative response. In most cases, it’s true, but
only if you see it as something negative and not positive.
I want to not only share with you how to face
opposition but meet it head-on. Because life is filled with challenges, not all
are bad though. Some stops us in our
tracks, whereas, others can be strength builders. This is the one I want to talk about today.
Opposition, by definition means resistance or
dissent. This is exactly the point I
want to make about viewing it as a positive situation. Let’s take the first
word: resistance. The very essence of this word makes most people activate the
fight or flight mechanism inside our brains. We immediately throw up our guards
to either prepare to run away or stand and face it bravely.
No one likes confrontation, because it’s stressful and
depletes energy. But, if we are to meet those who antagonize us personally and
professionally, on the field of battle, we must be brave and fight against the
temptation to give up at the first sign of trouble.
This reminds me of a narrative in the Bible, David and
Goliath. We all know the story of how David,
who was just a boy and about to battle a hardened warrior, Goliath with only a
slingshot and a few stones. I’m sure
Goliath viewed the situation as a joke.
A scrawny kid, with a homemade weapon, not even a good
one, challenged him to a fight. Especially, when every other opponent he’d
faced on the battle field that day, had either fallen to his prowess as a
fighter, or just ran away in a cowardly fashion.
Not David, he stood his ground, and faced opposition
as if he was about to skip stones across a smooth pond of water. We all know
how the story ends, David is victorious and as a result of Goliath’s arrogance,
was taken out by a much smaller opponent with a stone to the head.
You see, this is how we all must face opposition. You
can’t view it as an impossible feat. Anything worth having is worth fighting
for. You must also stand your ground, no matter how challenging even if you
don’t think it will end in your favor.
Opposition, should be viewed as a strength builder.
It’s like exercise for your character, and skillset. If you want to strengthen
your core, you work on that area of the body building muscle. This same premise
applies to how we deal with those who oppose us.
Opposition should be viewed in the reverse, a negative
as something positive.
Remember, we can do all things if we remember our
power source. We are more than conquerors, able to defeat our foes on the
battle field if we see the victory as if it is already won.
Have a Happy New Year, and God Bless.
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