What Makes Writer’s Tick?

       Like the intricate parts of a clock, our inner workings are equally complex with inspiration and ability performing much like the mainspring and pendulum of a time piece. As the gears of our minds turns this produces energy which causes our brains to create.
The desire to become a writer is something that hails from deep within the psyche. It is an overwhelming force that demands our time and attention. It is a source of power that is infused within our DNA that outlines our future, our goals and signifies what the outcome will entail. It is what makes us tick.
       Writers were created with essential elements, structured parts that governs our abilities and controls how we think and process information. One of the key factors is the imagination. As humans we all came equipped with one. How we use our creative gene is geared toward our individual talents.
Inspiration is another characteristic of a writer and key to what makes us tick. We seek stimulation from many sources. It is also helpful to enact our abilities to see situations from a totally different perspective than the average mind’s eye.  To become better and more critical thinkers.

       To understand that our specific gift allows us to be adventurous during creation. It teaches us how and when to use our creative license to embellish in a way that strengthens instead of taking away from the scope of what we are trying to design in the overall scheme of things.
We want and need to be inspired so that we can formulate ideas as a way to express our thoughts openly during the creative process. Motivation is also a powerful tool. A necessity in every aspect of an author’s daily life.
        Without it, our creative juices dry up and die before they get the opportunity to develop them into their full potential. They become glimpses of what could have been a great story.
Writers have a sense of accomplishment. Not to take anything away from anyone else who has goals. But it is the impetus of our inner workings that won’t allow us to quit until the job is complete.
Power is another focal point of what makes a writer tick. Honestly, we love it. Within our hands lies the ability to create, destroy, wield judgement like a sword and offer redemption as if it ours to use at will.
      We are self-motivated forces of nature. Self-aware, enthusiastic when it comes to our creativity and most importantly, prepared. Who we are and what we do has an invigorating purpose. We set goals to aim toward and try our best to reach.
In many ways, our quest to reach our audiences helps us to expand and extend our scope of what to write about while also meeting the demands of our fan base.
Remember, only what we do earnestly will endure.


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