Feeding Your Imagination

            I believe the greatest gift, besides life, is an imagination. It allows us to check out from time to time, visit places we only dream about, and exercise our brains. As humans, sometimes we can are placed under a tremendous amount of pressure and often with no way to escape it.

Therefore, the imagination is such a great tool that allows us, (if only for a short while) to tune the rest of the world out.

Recently my niece was over for Sunday dinner and we were discussing books. My daughter happened to be reading a book at the time on her phone and asked if she’d read this particular one before. She hadn’t and also said she enjoyed reading but it left her feeling bereft because once the story ended, she had to return to the real world.

I understand completely how she feels about this. Sometimes it is just easier to immerse ourselves in a world of fantasy then cope with a dysfunctional reality.   Feeding your imagination is essential to the brain functioning at its best. And a great avenue of exploration. We are all thinkers by nature and this type of brain exercise should be encouraged.

Especially in young children. Brain stimulation at an early age or the formative years of a child is crucial in their developmental skills that contributes to the thinking and decision-making process that they will need throughout their life.

One example of brain stimulation in children, (don’t freak out parents), is them having imaginary friends. Okay, it might sound creepy, to watch your kid walking around talking to someone who doesn’t exist. But really it is a healthy way for them to express their thoughts through role playing and to process information by establishing different scenarios with the characters they have created all in their minds.

This is all part of the creative process as it pertains to anything that stimulates the brain into motion. Artist, is another example, are crucial thinkers too.  For them to be creative, they first have to visualize what it is they want to create. Then through the imaginative process their mind sees images, that they translate to art. Creativity is the product of imagination.

The imagination is another superpower that should be used for good and not evil. Philippians 4:8 states:  Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things.

The point I’m trying to make is that we all have the ability to use our think box.  B.K.A, imagination. However, feeding the imagination should be a healthy process. Which is key to our overall existence. Because every thought that sifts through our heads won’t be good ones. But the thoughts that are good, let those resonate in the supplement of our body mind and spirit.

Some scholars even feel that imagination is as important as education and knowledge. I agree completely, and I’ll tell you why. The reason is, all three compliment each other. Without education and knowledge, we are nonfunctioning empty shells existing primarily to just eat up space. Without an imagination we are nothing but empty space.

There is more to the imagination than just coming up with fanciful tales and other exciting stories. It is a source of power, a brain food that allows for change, new and innovative ideas, and essential for how we understand things. Giving the imagination, the right kind of fuel is a great food for thought.

Keep thinking, feeding, and growing your minds.


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