How to Nourish Your Creativity

            One of the trending topics these days is nutrition. If you want to be healthy, then you should become vegan. Vegetarianism isn’t good enough anymore.  You must remove all animal products from your diet.

Okay, so nourishing your creativity isn’t as drastic as changing your eating habits, but feeding our minds is just as important. Not only the mind but the body spirit and soul.

A few years back, the book Chicken Soup for the Soul came out and was a best seller. It was filled with wisdom and witty anecdotes, true and inspirational stories that changed people’s lives, without going vegan, but by simply making some minor adjustments.

Nourishment and inspiration go hand in hand, one without the other is a useless operation.  This goes equally for creativity.  As a writer, artist, or wherever your creative wheel falls, without nourishment your creative juices will dry up and succumb to inactivity if it does not receive the proper amount of fuel.

            Nutrition for the mind is a viable part of a creative individuals existence, without the proper levels, find themselves laying like sediment, at the bottom of the slush pile feeling burned out and uninspired.

            What I’d like to offer are ways to improve upon your creative flow, to breathe life back into it by using simple techniques that will keep you at the top of your game.

            One way, is to start thinking outside of the box.  Every writer is searching for the next great idea. Well the best way to discovery this, is by cultivating your talent. Most writers are multi-dimensional in how they think and assimilate information anyway. Constantly educating themselves on what works and what doesn’t for them.  

 They are aware of trending topics and social issues that headline today’s news. It’s okay not to rely on your own personal perspective all the time. Simply because we don’t always have the right answers.  See things through the minds of others, there is something to learn if we open our minds to receive it.

            From these resources alone, you can not only feed your creativity but start new discussions by improvising on what’s already available in the social media markets. Instantly, they become current topics and innovative ideas for your next storyline.

Reading is necessary, and a wonderful way to stay current. Become a people watcher and listen to the conversations going on around you. You’d be surprised to discover that it’s not always useless chatter but noteworthy information to be stored and used for a later date.

You can’t become relevant if you remain stuck in your own small existence. At some point you need to surface and become part of the world going on around you. Be investigative, in how you gather information.  Let your thoughts be productive, and never indulge in wool gathering. Believe me this will aid you on your creativity journey.

Some of the greatest inspiration occurs when you aren’t even aware.  Such as while you’re asleep. Your dreams are short stories that are uploaded during these unconscious periods while you rest. Don’t ever ignore them because they do have meaning especially to creatively wired individuals. These sparks of motivation are mediums for future tasks.  Write them down.

            Meditation is another wonderful way of feeding your creativity. At times our minds need unplugging, set free to wonder and reflect on what makes us what we are. To achieve this, take time to relax, relate and release the stress of the day. Believe me, it will make you stronger and wiser when you have a clearer understanding of your driving force. 

            Remember, these aren’t the only ways to nourish your creativity, but a great start in the right direction.


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