Optimizing Optimism

            One of the most inspiring songs for me was Optimistic, performed by the Sounds of Blackness. The lyrics suggested that one bleak moment was not the end to a bright future.  

“You hear the voice of reason
Telling you this can't never be done
No matter how hard reality seems
Just hold on to your dreams

These few verses spoke to me in ways that I fully comprehended. They made me want to persevere when quitting became an option.  

            The hardest thing about staying positive on your journey is remaining optimistic when it seems as though there's noting to aspire to.  Life is filled with so many pitfalls that take us unaware, but there is a power source, that can optimize your optimism.

            You must realize that there is a driving force that keeps us fueled and moving in the right direction. I understand we all get lost in the shuffle and lose motivation often, this is when you need to power up and recharge. 

 This power source is the filling station that keeps our dreams alive.  It is the sustenance of life, if we stay linked to the energy source.

Where is it located? You might ask. Well, it comes from within. It is at the center of our being. If you believe as I do that all good things come from God, then you already know not only where it is located but also who provides it.

Thomas Jefferson once wrote, “Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. I don’t know his level of spiritual awareness, but I do feel he had an understanding that those words were inspired from an inner source that flowed through him.

Those were questionable times in his day, much like the world is today.  Nonetheless, he possessed enough knowledge that led him to realize the world was a much bigger place than even he could imagine.

Not only this, they had ever lasting content that still speaks to those of us who need to be empowered and inspired. 

We just like Mr. Jefferson, require positive energy to keep our optimism flowing at the highest percentage. Even for secular as well spiritual individuals who dream of success.

I am a self-professed optimist. When most people see the glass as half empty, I see it as being almost full. It is also how I view potential. Either you have a lot or none at all. But it depends on how you view opportunity.

A pessimist is someone who is doubtful of all outcomes, simply because they rely on the draw of a card or luck. Whereas, the optimist or idealist knows change comes by participation, therefore the assurance that nothing happens by chance.

If you envision it as something based on happenstance then you’ve already set yourself up for failure. However, if you imagine it as a prevailing reality, then you have successfully optimized your optimism. It starts with how we think but should cover every facet of our lives, if we truly want to become insightful in how we manage our daily existence.

How do we obtain the best from life? Is it by waiting for a change to come or by changing the way we wait?  I live my life with a tremendous amount of daily prayer. At the beginning of my day and at night before I fall asleep.

The difference in how we view the elements of change through this medium, is realizing the change doesn’t come by waiting alone but by performing an action that magnifies a hopeful outcome of the prospective change we are wanting to receive and strive for.  

Optimism is largely based on attitude. Either it will be positive or negative. The choice is yours to decide. But remember, if you want to stay focused and fully engaged when it comes to the decisions you make in life. Then you must first power up by optimizing your optimism.



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