How to Make the Best of Any Situation

            I’m a huge fan of Beyoncé, a dynamic singer and performer. What I like most about her is that she’s human. Susceptible to the same fallacies as we all are.  I particularly like her Lemonade album because it was about hurt and healing. It allowed her to express heartache and forgiveness through the music. She took life’s sour lemons and made them into something sweet.

            Nothing in this world is guaranteed to go the way we want it to. We plan and hope for the best. When things don’t quite work out you wonder where did I go wrong and how do I fix it?

            Well, it’s called making the best of any situation. We all have experienced life’s unexpected challenges. Setbacks come to us all throughout life.

Not all devastating, but sometimes like a good strong wind, enough to knock you off course. The trick to keep you moving right along is finding the good in bad circumstances.

            How, you might ask? Well, first you must recognize there is a process for everything. The beginning, the middle and end. It’s what you do in between the first two that will allow you turn life’s little sour patch into something sweet and delectable.

            Even when conditions seem unfavorable, analyze the damage, take stock of what you need to make repairs and then fix them. Super simple right? I know not always but remember it ain’t over until it’s over.

            If you are a fighter, don’t expect to win every round. Still, if your defense is weak, you never lay down and the take the punches without fighting back.

            Quitters never win, but fighters get the chance for another day and a brighter future. No matter what you’re going through, it is conquerable but first you must believe, and then push through the trial.

            So remember, when life hands you lemons, you take them and make the best lemonade anyone has ever tasted.


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