Exceeding Expectations

            How many of you remember the movie and the television show Fame? It was one of my favorite programs. I loved watching the students as they performed and competed for the winning position, thus the honor of having this notable achievement associated with their name.

            Each performer was pushed past their limits, giving all they had and then some for the top billing.

            We can all relate to this iconic show because we live it daily on our journey to the top. Blood, sweat, and tears go into everything we do, and often means we must work harder than the next for the top honor.

            All ri
ght, there may be a few who might’ve sold out to Satan. In the end, they get what they wanted but not in the way they dreamed.

            Let’s be real, plenty of famous people own this title but for all the wrong reasons. I could name names but won’t because it’s not my job to do that.

Still, their star shines bright but not in a positive light. A cautionary tale for all who seek fame without realizing there is a downside attached this goal.

            For each win, there will always be loss associated with fame.

            So, maybe you’re not a performer, but you still want the fame accredited to whatever your profession might be. 

It is attainable, but at what price are you willing to have it? Also, what is the real motivation behind this title? 

Some people never ask themselves that question. Why? Well, because they’d rather not deal with the reality of what this means. 

            Some crave it like a drug. And can’t nor won’t stop until that itch has been scratched. They become junkies and jockey for this position, no matter if they step on other's toes to have it.

            They become sellouts for fortune and fame. Unwilling to navigate through the proper channels or work diligently to accomplish this goal through hard work and honesty. 

I’ve always said and believed the answer to fame is to define what it means to you.

Do you desire it for selfish and superficial reasons? Some people don’t even want it. They avoid fame like it’s the plague and wouldn’t touch it with a ten-foot pole, lest they are exposed to it.

But through no design of their own, achieve it anyway and become overnight sensations. Wow, we all would love a piece of that action, but alas, it is reserved for a faithful few. 

Sorry to all the folks who would crawl through the trenches to get just a little of that fame on them. 

So unfair, you might say because some people do seem to have all the luck, fortunate it would seem when fame finds them anyway.

I can’t even begin to explain why this is. One explanation might be some people have the “It” factor or merely the path to their success was already designed especially for them. 

Cheers to all the overnight sensations, who rocketed to superstardom and instant celebrity status because of a YouTube video or Instagram post.

Believe me, I am no hater, but I do wonder sometimes, Why?

Okay, if we were honest with ourselves for a moment can admit, the idea of such an honorable recognition isn’t a bad thing at all. Because we all want some level of notoriety. But no matter how hard we work, still can’t inch ahead enough to claim that prize.

We want to live in the land of fandom, where the fangirls and boys think we are the best thing since, umm, I don’t know –– everything.

However, there is one thing I know for sure, all things are possible, if you work hard, keep your eye on the prize and remain diligent on this quest even if it seems what you most desire is just out of reach.

            But remember, if it is yours to have, then after you’ve completed your goals, and exceeded all expectations can claim your right to fame.



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