Utilizing Your Full Writing Potential

            We’ve all heard of one-hit wonders, whether it’s in the music or movie biz. Many times writers experience this same slump. They produce one great book, and then you never hear from them again.
            My opinion of why this happens is because they are not using all the writing potential that exists within.
            As a result, outshined by new up and coming authors.
What I discovered is that you should never allow the writing flame to burn low or out.
            Keep writing, even if you don’t have a completed story idea or flowchart. Even if you’re not a blogger, try it on for size. Blogging is a great exercise to keep you active and writing skills alive.
            The point of this is to stay consistent with your writing. As with anything, if you grow lax, you lose momentum. Let the one-hit wonders of the world be your example when it comes to staying relevant.
            Simply because people know who you are as a writer, never depend upon this one fact to keep from writing, remember new artists appear upon the scene daily.
            Only the strong and persistent survive in this business and how some of the world’s bestselling authors survived in such a saturated profession.
            One way to strive in this business is to think of it as a survival skill. We all have everyday needs, and if they become absent in our lives, we die.
            Well, utilizing your full writing potential is just like that. I know how hard it is to lose momentum when life gets in the way.
            But you must work around those obstacles and press forward by not losing sight of your goals.
            Goals are essential to success. Make a list of where you see your writing career over the next five years. Visualize it and be realistic as to how you achieve this.
            That means you must stay active and productive to help you reach your desired goals.
            I understand the frustration of keeping to impossible schedules. But imagine the disappointment of your readers who admire your work and then never hear from you again.
            It’s equivalent to a one-night stand for readers who’ve invested time, surfing through all the potential great reads, land on yours, and think this might be the beginning of a special relationship, then it ends in disappointment.
            Maybe my assessment is hypothetical, but the point is don’t let down your readers by underperformance of goals.
            So, remember these three main goals: focus, momentum, success, and you won't be on the One Hit Wonders list.



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