The Rise of Virtual Book Clubs


            Ever since the creation of the world and man, humans have learned to adapt or evolve throughout society. Through wars and now pandemics, we still rise to the occasion.  Resilient and committed, no matter the challenge. We’ve learned and managed to endure the utmost perseverance designed to adjust and continue. God never places more on us than we can bear, right? Essentially, if there’s a will, He will provide a way.

            As humans, we are sociable creatures, well most of us are. We crave and desire interaction with others. But since the pandemic has altered socializing in large groups, we’ve become resourceful and invent new ways to communicate safely.

            Hence the rise of virtual communication. It’s not new, but lately, the demand for these types of meetings have become the best way to socialize safely.

            It enables the vast public to stay connected and recognize the need for interaction to maintain sanity.

            So, normalcy won’t become extinct, and can continue to perform our daily existence.

            With a click of the remote or a few strokes of a keyboard, we can connect to all kinds of resourceful information. We are updated instantaneously by way of news outlets and social media. Therefore, possible to keep abreast of life locally and abroad.

            I love that, and how we can continue to assemble while social distancing.

So why I’m I talking about this? Well, because it leads us to today’s discussion.

            In a time where we must quarantine, wear masks and stay six-feet apart to remain safe, when face-to-face interaction becomes almost impossible. But there is a solution to at least one of these issues, virtual book clubs.

            I can’t imagine reading a great book then unable to share my thoughts with other book lovers, can you? Thank goodness for innovation and virtual meetings.

            We can hold meetings, worship, and learn all through a virtual connection. Virtual book clubs is another excellent means of connectivity.

            There are so many options to conduct virtual book clubs and platforms to launch from. Amazon has introduced a fantastic way for authors and readers to connect.

            With a step by step process to link books to readers, share great reads, and make suggestions.


            Now here’s a list of the best 15 online book clubs to join per Book Riot.


1.      Book Riot Insiders Quarterly read

2.      FabFitFun’s Book Club

3.      Andrew Luck Book Club (an NFL QB) started this one.

4.      Poppy Loves Books

5.      Our Shared Shelf (Orig. Created by Emma Watson as part of her work w/UN women.

6.      The Rumpus Book Club

7.      The History Book Club

8.      New Adult Book Club

9.      Goodreads Choice Awards Book Club

   10.  Girls Night in Book Club

   11. Modern Mrs. Darcy Book Club

   12. The Reddit Book Club

   13. The Perks of Being A Book Addict Book Club

   14. Reblog Book Club

   15. The Procrastinating Book Club

And one more:

   16 Amazon Book Club@https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2Fabc%2Fdetail%2Famzn1.club.bookclub.c2ba4a2d-bac0-4110-d485-bb051ebd311a%3Fref_%3Dabc_aa_bdp_r_ds_imw_ibc%25F0%259F%25A4%25A9%26fbclid%3DIwAR0LU8auX5V7zOIfaxybtEVb8YlSn6-RYOCJ4HHFcgB5f6OONY7qsQq5gM0&h=AT3tcd6BUmIC3DKcdFogdWvqv4fka7OkcL27iAUpLzkseyxCGnJArWqaDKxVNbUChjJwCYW7xq2-H5hvPJzdn5ZRMAZp5uk31T1gqHW81zhIUrsHZCLc-MfQ7txt4SJCb4qG&__tn__=%2CmH-R&c[0]=AT0VJpczj5ENbk_Q06WoQogRG173O6sWIrXwADlEaGPwBof585NXhXZw4MIDT-DrHTRd3Z21MnKe4w50hfLARN466IqC_5f0jpxZNnrYsnv4ymt15m0ZL_hCPmeEMYzmUk7cQIgWVjreWTUhakXf  






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