Don’t Count Talented Writers Out


            Don’t you hate it when people ask what it is you do for a living? Then they want to examine your credentials to see if you’re up to par. And when you don’t meet their standards, they want to discount your talent.

                Well, I’m here to tell you don’t let it weigh you done because just like Dr. Maya Angelou said, and I quote, “You may shoot me with your words, You may cut me with your eyes, You may kill me with your hatefulness, But still, like air, I’ll rise.”


                Never count talented writers out. Maybe all haven’t reached the bestsellers' status, but it doesn’t mean they won’t.


                Like every great event, it takes time to cultivate, time to hone your craft while you develop your story.


                My advice to every author out there is don’t give up. Your time will come. And you are destined for greatness. If you believe it, you can achieve it.


                There is a passage of scripture in Nehemiah chapter 8, verse 10 that says, and I paraphrase, The Joy of the Lord is your strength.  Reminded yourselves of this each time your expectation falls short.


                Never place your goals on a time table. Allow them to progress naturally but in the meantime, keep doing what you do.


                One of the most inspiring stories that I love so much is Theodor Suess Gisel, aka Dr. Suess. His books have sold over 600 million copies. However, his very first book, And To Think That I Saw It On Mulberry Street, was rejected 27 times before Vanguard Press accepted his work.


                Dr. Suess rose to meet the challenge of rejection and steadfastly continued to become one of the most famous authors of children's books.


                And let's not forget about Steven King. Everyone who’s ever read a horror story or suspense knows who he is. But before he achieved his goal of becoming a published author, one of the most horrifying books ever written and movie, Carrie, was rejected 30 times before Double Day publishing accepted this book. He kept rising, no matter what.


                I could continue with more examples, but my point is proven. Even through multiple rejections, you must remain diligent and believe that the next time is the winner.  


                We must rise to meet each occasion as if it’s the first. Never be afraid of hearing the word no. It doesn’t necessarily mean never, only that you must wait until the timing is right for the answer we’ve waited for.


                Never count any talented writers out because yesterday's negative reply may become tomorrow's positive.










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