How Writing Can Create and Comfort Stress


Erica Campbell hit the mark when she wrote and sang the song Help from her sophomore album with the same title. It’s something most people find hard to ask for when needed.


Even when they are so deep in misery left with no place else to go and once they conclude it’s a life or death situation; usually resigned to the truth, they can’t make it without help in one form or another.


Stress isn’t something you should feel embarrassed or discouraged about. It’s one of the things that attaches itself to our daily existence, whether we like it or not.


Stress is an emotional strain collectively everyone on the planet experiences at some point in life.


Stress is not a one size fits all kind of deal. But how it’s dealt with is essential and can determine success or failure.


For some, it comes and goes daily. For others, it becomes chronic and makes life seem hopeless and therefore unable to bear.


Some people wear stress like a badge of honor, whereas others crumble under pressure.


It’s okay. No one is immune to stress and often, profession notwithstanding, suffer in silence unnecessarily.


There are outlets and ways to lessen the pressure felt when it seems as though the weight of the world holds us down. And become overloaded with nonspecific issues or life in general.


Trust me, this is not the end. Not when there are remedies that can help when stress overtakes your life.


Stress can be debilitating and often mutates into depression and other psychological issues. Yet, still relatable and a communicable issue that affects every individual differently.


No one is immune to stress. Whereas some people approach it like champions, others shut down and are unable to function.


It’s an overall condition that affects writers as well. But there are ways authors can learn to function with the pressures of their profession.


Some use writing as a coping mechanism, but what do they do when it’s no longer effective when deadlines, low sales, and other publishing woes take over?


Life’s anxieties become theatrical fodder acted out by the characters in each paragraph—a fictional depiction of life-like situations.


Allow me to offer a few suggestions that hopefully will help you decrease the stress factors from a writer’s perspective but relates to anyone who finds themselves unable to function due to stressful situations.


 There are numerous therapeutic ways to combat stress that aid in recovery.

Some people find herbal remedies helpful, exercise, breathing techniques, and meditation.


The goal is to discover a solution that works best for you.


One way is journaling—used as a tool for comfort.


According to https://www.webmd.com, says journaling about stressful experiences can help reduce your stress level.


Study’s have shown that there are benefits for depression, anxiety, and stress when you write about your troubles.

That applies to everyone, even if writing isn’t your thing.


Okay, this is an actual truth moment for me. Once upon a time, in a past life, long before I wrote my first story discovered that journaling helped me with a stressful situation.


My solution was to keep a daily journal. I wrote about what happened in my life for 365 days. An entire year of highs and lows. Things that I didn’t share but kept silent. That was hurtful and discouraging.

I wrote in detail all the things that made me worry and stress about my life because I had no idea how to change them or where to go for Help.


But what I realized as I emptied my soul was that each day the load lightened. Although I suffered in silence, writing helped me to unpack everything through this form of therapy.

When I came to the last page of the journal, I didn’t file it away someplace safe but burned it.


This way allowed me to rid myself of that troubled past without the need to keep the journal and revisit everything I shed by reintroducing them into my life.


There is a method to the madness of stress, how we deal with stressful situations, and how it relates on some level. Even with how challenging stress can be. You can still overcome the challenge and manage it so that it won’t overwhelm your life.


Just remember we all need Help, and there is no shame in admitting that or seeking help. If you feel overwhelmed in any way, please reach out to someone or an organization like https://www.healthline.com for Help with depression and stress management.




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