Accomplishing Goals
Do you
know what I like better than an actual chicken dinner? There are several things,
making plans, planning goals, and accomplishing that top the list.
Who doesn’t like winning? Well, those who have no idea
of what they want or how to plan for it.
They lack motivation as well as the gift of vision. If
you can see it, then you can become whatever your heart desires.
The number one cause of failure is a lack of persistence
and disbelief in one’s abilities—the lack of discipline and motivation.
This may be attributed to the lack of desire to see
what the end will bring and acceptance of failure without remorse.
In life, we understand that there is always a risk of
failure. However, failure doesn’t set any precedence that this will always be
the case.
Don’t be afraid of failure. It happens, and the cure
is not to give up but keep trying until you succeed.
The overall feeling of accomplishment is like an
aphrodisiac for some. They are smitten with the idea of realizing a dream, then
taking the proper steps to help it come to pass.
Motivation and action work simultaneously for individuals
focused on success. Proper planning with an adequate amount of devotion to your
task leaves less room for incompletions.
Passion-driven individuals visualize their goals
before they even start the planning process. Also, they possess a spirit of
commitment and discipline that will see them through to the end.
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