Pushing Through
I received a call from my nephew. A young man surmounted by many trials but
continues to move forward despite being disabled competes in various
competitions. He’s competing in a rock wall climbing event as we speak. I admire
his tenacity and how he challenges himself even when nothing is left to give.
Today, speaking with him inspired today’s discussion and
reminded me of a song by Miley Cyrus from the movie Hannah Montana. The lyrics
to that song “I can almost see it, that dream I’m dreaming. But there’s a
voice in my head saying, You’ll never reach it.”
I’ve never seen the movie, but I am familiar with the
song I relate to on many levels, which leads me to this question.
Have you ever given much thought to the definition of
the word climb? Well, I have.
Merriam-Webster states the word climb means: go or
come up(a slope, incline, or staircase) Basically to ascend.
I agree with that terminology, but I’d like to insert
my definition of what the word “climb” means to me.
For me, it means obtaining achievement through
obstacles. One of the most debilitating obstacles is fear. Once you master
that, your abilities are limitless. The only way to achieve this is to push
through your insecurities.
How often do we allow fear to control our lives?
Giving it full reign to bully us into giving up because we think we can’t do
Insecurity is a stronghold designed to keep us boxed
in comfortable lifestyles and situations that afford little spiritual,
personal, or financial growth.
However, sometimes people or a song can inspire us to do
more to live more, and do things we never dreamed we could do.
At the same time, inspire others to do the same.
Fear means an intense emotion that makes us perceptive
to danger or threats. In some cases, it is the direct cause of failure. Fear of
failing, fear of success.
Some we can’t control, but we do have the power to
climb when we overpower our insecurities, not allowing them power over us.
Whatever you do in life depends on how you master that
emotion. Mind over matter is one helpful tool to galvanize us into action and
become an inspiration to others.
Climb high, climb free of insecurities and all
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