Managing Success
Some treat
success as part of a daily routine, while others struggle and require management
skills. Make no mistake; success should never be taken lightly but a serious
Because that’s what it is—a significant step in the
right direction of an intended process.
But be where. Success can psychologically impact those
not resilient enough to deal with all that entails in good and bad ways.
In some cases, it builds confidence, whereas others
enhance fear of failure.
Some can seem insensitive or frivolous about the whole
idea of success. Without much thought given to the people, they perhaps stepped
on, on the way up but will be the ones they pass on the way down.
How often have we witnessed famous people who tossed
caution to the wind and singlehandedly assassinated their careers? They took
their popularity for granted and showed little regard or appreciation for what
it took to reach that status.
While others achieve success but worry it’s temporary
and second-guesses their hard work.
It’s a lot to process and should be approached with
Even if you haven’t reached that level yet and are still
on the way up, it’s not too late to consider how you will manage your status.
Overconfidence has never been a good thing, nor has lacking confidence and feelings of undeserved triumphs when something great happens in
Therefore it’s all part of managing success and should
be addressed as an appraisal. However, keep in mind that even when you undervalue
your ability, it doesn’t mean that you aren’t valuable and worthy of success.
Recently, I had an appraisal of my home because I
wanted an opinion of its actual value. I guesstimate and researched realtors
who gave estimates of what they thought it might be compared to other comps in
the area.
But after the appraiser completed his evaluation, he stated,
we allow the owners to set the standards of their home’s worth.
No shocker there. Because only I know the improvements
I’ve made to enhance my home’s value, regardless of how others measure worth. Only
my opinion matters, which makes all the difference in the world.
This applies to success as well. Your overall view of
what you consider successful.
Success should be celebrated even if some view it as
bragging rights. Don’t feel ashamed about your accomplishments. Jealousy is a
thing used as a tool to diminish joy.
Humility shares the stage with success and should
always reward those who helped you on this journey. Always give credit where it’s
Success is like a dowsing stick used to locate water.
A divining rod to suss out who is truly happy for you or just pretending.
On a serious tip, success brings out the true nature
of people and how they relate to you. They might accuse you of changing when they
are the ones who do a complete 180.
Oh, and the essential feature of success is to share
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