"Strut Yo Stuff"


                                          Creating Your Own Writing Style

            It is hugely important to establish your own style of writing based on these two facts: the competitive business of writing and a new generation of savvy readers. No one wants to read weak storylines or duplicates of someone else’s writing prowess. Readers demand a unique form of writing that grabs their attention and keeps them interested throughout the story.

Your writing voice has to be distinctive as well innovative to capture an audience who are well versed in the different styles available to them. So, this is where the writer should look deep within themselves and pullout everything that will showcase their own creative style.

Because you have to inspire people to read your work especially when there are so many other talented authors to choose from. You should immerse yourself deep within the characters, giving them their own real personas and emotions.

You need strong voices that allow the characters to take on a human persona while developing what part they will play in the storyline. 

You shouldn’t be timid when writing. Don’t be afraid to become intimate with the reader. Let them see truthfulness in the characters. Translation, no one is perfect not even in a totally make-believe world. We have flaws, therefore, the characters we create should have them also.

I’ve always said that in order to form your own writing prowess, you need to read other authors work. I still stand by this logic, simply because you need something to draw from. To give you an idea of which direction your writing voice will take through the developmental stage.

Another way to establish your style is by observation. What I mean by this, is that you should become a people watcher. Notice their mannerisms, if they gesticulate while speaking or have restless hands or other body parts while conversing, include this in your writing. Particularly their facial expressions, what does it say to you? A good way to determine this is to mute the voices. See without volume.

You should tap into your own well of emotions. Readers must feel a connection in some great or small way with the characters. They love real life situations that enables them to identify with the characters and the story.

You know that you’ve hit the target when the readers feel everything the characters are going through, and every other emotion displayed throughout the story. Also, it is vital to express to the readers the story through the characters eyes. It’s a form of illustrating by using words.

Example A: “Lilly walked into the restaurant, she wore a raincoat and boots because it was raining, dreary and wet.” This is a weak illustration that isn’t descriptive enough to explain to the reader exactly what is happening.

Example B: “Lilly walked into the restaurant, despite the weather outside wet and dreary, was armed against the elements in brightly colored raingear. No doubt purple was her favorite color, her raincoat and boots signified this.”

By embellishing you have just illustrated a more defined picture of what is going on, by showing instead of telling thus creating a better and unique writing style.

Another way of embellishing your style is by using metaphors in descriptive writing. I love this because it’s like poetry in a way. Substituting words to tell the same story but in a more unique way.

There are rules when it comes to writing, but I always say, rules were meant to be broken, and do. So, strut your stuff and show the reading world exactly what you’re made of, when creating your own style of writing.


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