Knowing What Works Best in Story Creation

            We are all familiar with the phrase, Mother knows best.  It’s true.  Mom’s are filled with a wealth of knowledge on any given subject.  Whether it’s advice, cooking or life in general.  How much better is it for everyone when we listen to solid reasonable wisdom?

            Well, we might not consult with Mom on everything especially when it comes to things existing outside of her realm of understanding.  Such as story creation.  Oh, I’m sure she could also tell you a few things about this too, this topic though, I think we should stick to those with the inside scoop.

            I’ve read a multitude of books this year, and every genre.  Some were excellent across the board. Whereas, others in a word sucked lemon’s.  Okay, I could have used a better analogy, but you get the point.

            Some writers are just designed to write within certain genre’s whether fiction or nonfiction. You can tell from the complexity and detail of how they’ve set the story up.

I have my favorites, and the reason for this is that a great writer knows precisely what works best during story creation. There is no doubt in my mind when I stumble across an exceptional story, that not only do they know how to capture your attention within the first few lines but had the write stuff as well to hold you there.

Y.A. fiction let’s face it, is not for most folks who are past the age of sixteen, but don’t sleep on this genre because there is some amazing talented writing going on at this level.  

I give credit where it’s due and think most people are under the misconception teenagers write these books.  Some do, but the majority are written by established adults who are skilled perceptively and capture the true nature and essence of young adults. 

These types of stories lack complexity you might think, however, they are overflowing with intricate and delicate situations of what it’s like to grow up in a world filled with adult issues.

I always applaud the writers because they give a voice to the younger population who deal with these scenarios daily proving once again they have the write stuff.

Let’s not forget the next level of writing, dedicated to romance and science fiction authors.  They are among my favorites too. For those amongst the population who don’t care for sappy yarns, let me just say, you are missing some great reads.

Romance has evolved into something amazingly entertaining and doesn’t always have to involve sexual situations or inuendo.  Not at all, but still infuse passion and interesting details about relationships without luring you in with gratuitous and graphic sex scenes.  Okay, sex does sale, but it takes a skilled writer to sale you on a story by leaving it out completely. Because they have the write stuff.

Oh, and let’s not overlook the sci-fi genre that is holding it’s own like nobody’s business. I’m not talking Star Trek, or the Avengers franchise or even the television series that delude what sci-fi truly is.

I’m not a fan of the Hunger Games, nonetheless, I loved the Divergent Trilogy, books that is.  I couldn’t get enough of the characters and the story premise.  It was so brilliantly written and captured how we are all categorized by factions.  Whether we acknowledge the truth of it or not. It doesn’t matter that the story is based on a futuristic dystopian reality but kudus to the author who penned these books and is truly woke on how people are viewed in today’s society. She had the write stuff.   

I could go on and on about knowing what to write when contemplating story design and actually writing it out. But I won’t, by now I think you’ve gotten the point I’m trying to make when it comes to having the write stuff.

It is essential and beneficial to every author to write about what they know and do best.  So, before you sit down to pen your next novel, make sure you have the write stuff to make your story the best.



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