"Haste Makes Waste"

                                                     Dealing with Deadlines

            Deadlines, we all have them, but do we like them? I, for one, don’t, but I understand how important they are to keep us focused and on our toes.
Deadlines are equivalent to expiration dates. If you miss the target, it may imply that you’re not reliable.
Reliability is a reasonable requirement for any agreement. And we all want to be recognized as an individual who keeps their promises.
Not living up to them is the same is like products that are past the sale by date, and thus no longer any good.
            At times it seems as though the world and everyone in it needed it yesterday. Whatever the case may be. Well, that might be so, but sometimes, you must slow things down to a normal pace to get anything done.
            Yes, I know deadlines are critical in most cases, but still, we are all aware of how mistakes arise in the heat of the moment.
            No matter what type of deadline your facing, don’t rush it. One way to stay ahead of any potential crisis is strategic planning.
            That suggests you’ll need to manage your time in more skillful ways. Don’t overload your schedule with too many impossible lists.
            Speaking of lists, be sure to track your progress; that way, you’ll always stay ahead and never fall behind.
            Stay focused on your projects, and you should complete each task accordingly.
            Communication is another critical factor, and should always ensure that you and significant players remain clear on your and their expectations.
            Organization is another key element and quite helpful with maintaining deadlines. Disorganization can hamper your progress and creates unnecessary clutter when you need to keep a clear path for completion.
            Distractions are another roadblock for deadlines. Okay, I, for one, realize how hard it is to stay focused when life goes on around you.
But it’s best to minimize distractions, I .e.…cut back on how much time you spend surfing the net, also be sure to eliminate all distracting components.
            Time estimation is another excellent tool when dealing with deadlines. Also, build in safety features that will keep you on target.
Think of it as a failsafe mode. A little extra time is another brilliant way to ensure you’re always covered.  
            So, after you’ve achieved your deadline goals, reward yourself with a celebration. Then you will be worthy and ready for your next project.


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