Transforming Negativity to Positivity

            The times of which we are now living is questionable daily. We face trials that are biblically proportioned. I, for one, never thought I’d witness anything so surreal but real at the same time.
            Now I understand we don’t have control of much in this world. However, we do have the power when it comes to transforming negativity into positivity.
            We have unlimited resources of ways to stay motivated even in times like these.
            How? You may ask. Well, one way is always to see a brighter side even when the road ahead seems dark and dreary.
            Positivity has a way of brightening even the darkest outlook. Our world is in a horrible mess. But still many of us maintain a positive attitude.
            Yes, we are affected, but we refuse to give in to the negative energy that surrounds us.  Why? Well, for one, we are conquerors on so many levels.
            Most of us have undergone horrible conditions and impossible odds. Instead of weakening our resolve, it made us stronger.
            My mother always said that what doesn’t kill will you make you stronger. I believe this wholeheartedly.  
            Trying times doesn’t mean giving in but facing whatever trial head-on.
            We must transform our thoughts to reflect more positive mindsets and transmit those waves as an outward sign of constructive energy.
            Surround yourself with positive people, and remember you get back what you give.
            Meditation is also a great way to expel negative thoughts and cleansing our minds of clutter while absorbing good energy.
            We are not creators of life, but we are responsible for the one given to us that we should always be a proactive and positive influence of those around us.
            And I quote:
            “Thoughts become words, and words become actions, actions become habits, habits become character, character becomes destiny.”
            Whether you believe this or not, we do have the authority to change our reflection and the transmission, just like pollution, of negative energy.
            So stay energized. Trust me. You can never be too positive.
Remember, pessimistic views will never outshine positivity.  


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