REMOVING OBSTACLES

            So, let’s talk about roadblocks, better known as obstacles. I want to chat about what one should do to combat them.

            No one likes it when they happen and think if you ignore them, they’ll go away. Much like air is a necessary component of breathing, obstacles are an essential element of growth. Regrettably, they are part of life, too, and here to stay.

            I’d not have you believe like monsters; obstacles don’t exist. But they are quite real.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but hey, someone has to say it.
What I want you to focus on is how to overcome them and don’t despair. We all encounter obstacles, but trust me, they are not the end of the world.

Now I understand that obstacles are annoying and life-changing. Still, we should realize that life isn’t a cakewalk. And on a positive note, if we never experience trials, We’d have no way to gauge our strengths and weaknesses.

            So now that we’ve pointed out the purple elephant, let’s move on to ways to overcome what we view as the devil's work.

One of the most significant setbacks people, especially writers, face, or roadblocks, whether or not we allow them to disrupt our progress is critical.

            There are ways to push obstacles aside and keep the momentum going strong.  Yes, I understand they test our patience, but also used for strength building.
            The purpose of tests is not to display our weaknesses but to uncover where improvement is needed.
            Obstacles create an immediate reaction and leave some wondering if they should stay put or go around them, or come up with a different strategy.

            I suggest you keep it moving by allowing determination to remain the driving force and not deterred from your purpose.

            So, I have a few useful tools and wanted to point out ways of overcoming them with practical ideas.

            One way is always to be aware that they exist, so you’re not surprised when they occur and crucial to always have a secondary plan.

            Use your time wisely. That way, you’re not left scrambling for a contingency plan.

            Always stay focused and committed even when you're blindsided by unforeseen obstacles and reclaiming precious time.

            I know that many obstacles can seem intimidating, with no way to overpower them. But stay inspired and remember where there is a will there’s always a way to defeat them.

            Not all obstacles are alike and may leave you wondering how can I overcome something bigger than you are. I’ll admit these types of roadblocks require some evaluation but are not insurmountable.

            You must develop a positive mindset and face whatever fears that stand in your way. If you believe you can move mountains, then you’re already headed in the right direction.

            Unbelief in your abilities can devastate one's capacity for forwarding growth. It’s one way to sabotage your dreams and goals.

            We must practice discipline and have patience so that one won’t be overcome with doubt and fears.

            Don’t ever be afraid of change. Change is associated with growth and, for some, a major stumbling block.

            Hone your skills so that you are prepared when obstacles arrive. When you are proficient at any task, nothing can stand in the way of success.

            Fear of failure is another arresting feature that keeps one from accomplishing goals. Believe in yourself and your abilities.

            Complacency and procrastination are deal-breakers as well another hurdle limiting progress and growth.

            Believe it or not, perfectionism is another roadblock. It’s okay to want things just right, but learn to accept nothing in life is entirely perfect, starting with you.

            So, as a guide, be mindful of anything that keeps you from achieving excellence. Or that becomes a brick wall to one’s s path to completion.

            Remember, nothing is impossible, especially when you force them to step aside.



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