Why Readers Opinions Matter



            Everyone has opinions these days and often an unpleasant reminder when compared to armpits and other orifices. Whether it’s about politics, religion, or how we raise our children, some individuals can be critical or bias when voiced.


            Still, in some cases, opinions are welcomed and necessary. Such as writers and authors whose survival depends on one sharing their thoughts.


            My mother used to say, and I quote, “if you have nothing good to say, then keep quiet.” Okay, I get that, but I want to hear your thoughts on the business level.


            However, as an author and writer, I don’t speak for all writers, but I welcome all thoughts and opinions related to my work and prepared to accept the consequences.


            It is the difference between having a fruitful harvest or dying on the vine.


The majority of readers understand the importance of how much opinions matter. And liberally share their thoughts. They get that what they say about your work matters.


            But not all readers, for whatever reason, don’t realize how vital book reviews are.


            Yes, I discussed last week why authors depend on book reviews to boost notoriety and aid in book sales. Yet, I can not express enough why I’m on repeat about this subject.

            We love sparkling reviews as an outward showing of a great job poured into creating a book worthy of the praise.


            First and foremost, I’m a fan and cheerleader for all the authors who take nothing for granted, including your opinions. And thankful for how you receive our work.


            We appreciate the time and thought invested in honest opinions when writing a review.


            I’ve written many reviews and given stars based on my honest and best impression of an author’s work.


            Doing that means that you appreciate the authors, the story, characters, and details.


            Thank you for being opinionated when expressing your most profound thoughts about what you read.




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