Artist Appreciation



This is the season of thankfulness and giving. So while you’re in a charitable spirit, remember all the starving artists (figuratively speaking) who rely on others’ generosity for making a living. 

After all, sharing means, you care about your neighbors, friends, and the longevity of creation. It is the kindness of strangers that artists of every creed reach out to for donations.

Now I’m not speaking of monetary donations, but the Likes and Shares through social media. These types of gifts are more valuable than gold in some cases.

So you show love when you Like and Share, also appreciation, which contributes further to the worthwhile cause of creativity.

Every Like and Share earns artists more recognition and perhaps a few more sales that help boost livelihoods.

It’s simple, if you like what you see, speak on it. If you don’t, well, that’s okay too. But there are other ways to express appreciation without giving a thumbs up or down. 

Honest opinions are essential but often withheld for reasons that are beyond me. It cost’s nothing to share a thought whether you’re impressed or not so much.

Often negativity can lead to a positive outcome. How, you might ask? Well, curiosity, of course. Ignore what you heard about curiosity killing cats. Cats are hard to kill with their nine lives and all.

People are just like felines and will follow a thread to see where it leads.  In most cases, it can change the narrative. Besides that, they want to know for themselves why someone received a bad rating. And share their two cents before clicking share for the entire social universe to see a new review.

If you’re fortunate, more positivity will follow. That’s always good. Positive influence is mental as well as emotional. All that means is that you’ve given critical thought about how your comments impact posts and the impact the posts have on you. 

Facts don’t lie and reveal that when you Like and Share, it shows empathy. God knows we can use more of that. Not only that, but it builds relationships and camaraderie among fellow artists and followers.

Not only that, but it narrows the gap between division and diversifies. The world might seem vastly separated by space and opportunity, but one simple Like and Share shows how small it really is. Talk about positive influences.

So before you bypast, a post, remember a Like and Share could be the deciding factor of life or death for artists appreciation.







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