The Benefits of DIY Publishing


            The dream of becoming a published author is no longer all that impossible anymore due to the high demand for DIY publishing. There are no gimmicks involved, just plain straightforward direct publishing without any third party involvement.

            Make no mistakes; DIY publishing is not Vanity Publishing. Publishing started and finished by the author and distributed to all online booksellers and the millions of readers ready for their next great read in the most professional format possible.

            Publishing made easier and assessable to every author whoever desires their work to be featured and listed beside other bestsellers.

            Compatibility is not optional but necessary to survive such a diverse and competitive environment. Another great feature of DIY publishing when compared to traditional publishers.

            Now, I know many authors would instead hold out for a traditional publisher to do the honors. That’s fine because I understand authors want validation to complement their accomplishments. Traditional publishing fulfills that dream.

However, some traditional publishers or open to publishing previous DIY published unagented authors.

            Trust me. I’m not trying to sell you a bunch of snake oil. I’ve tried this brand of publishing for myself. It works within days of finalizing my book details uploaded through the DIY templates meeting all standards distributed to all participating platforms.

            The best part of DIY publishing besides the ease of access is the royalties. You retain 100% of the royalties with only a small percentage of sales to facilitate printing your books.

            Nothing in life is free. Still, you’re able to set your market price for each format your books are made available. Now, who wouldn’t like that?

            DIY is hassle-free publishing simplified. We all like accomplishing tasks without stress. Right? Especially with the holiday season upon us. Ebooks make great stocking stuffers for every member of your family and friends.

            So start preparing your next book now, and it will be available for distribution just in time for Christmas.

            Also, for authors who are unsure of their ability to get the job done without professional assistance, I have great news for you.

            https://diy-publishing.thinkific.com/ solves this problem with DIY courses. Check them out for more info.

https://blog.reedsy.com/how-to-self-publish-a-book/ give you step by step instructions for those who don’t know where to start the process.

https://www.ingramspark.com/blog/how-to-format-a-book-with-diy-design-tools-and-services, show you how to format and get the job done right.

Options are necessary for life, and that includes doing it your way through DIY publishing.


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