Dealing With Imposter Syndrome


To understand imposter syndrome, you first must know what it is.

Basically, it means individual doubt of your skills, talents, or accomplishments and being exposed as a fraud.

That isn’t uncommon; many people deal with it daily or when they’ve accomplished something and feel undeserved.

Why do they feel that way, and what is the reasoning behind it?

Some level of fear is normal, add success to the mix, and you have the perfect ingredients for imposter syndrome.

Most individuals suffer from self-doubt. Although they’ve worked hard to accomplish a dream, when it happens, they feel like this couldn’t be right, and somehow a mistake is made.

You feel your credentials are not up to par; you haven’t paid enough dues for this level of success, and once other people discover the truth, they will expose you as the fraud you are.

Untrue and unsubstantiated.

You achieve because you put in the work. Your accolades are not up for discussion, and no one can deny the truth of your accomplishments.

Although somehow, due to imposter syndrome, you destroy your progress from within by questioning your skills, allowing others to take credit for your success, and belittling your ability.

I can address this issue because I’ve experienced it too.

A true moment.

Recently, one of my prayers was answered. I always wanted one of my nine books to be on the bestseller list. That happened, and the most recent book made it to #93 in Coming of Age Fiction on Amazon’s charting system.

Immediately, I started doubting this validity and wondered how my book could do this without thousands of reviews. Notwithstanding, books do this all the time and often chart as #1 without reviews.

Still, knowing that I questioned my status and ability to achieve this goal as well, God’s grace for granting the prayer request. Also, a few family members' lack of enthusiasm played a part in the imposter syndrome.

Whatever the case, the numbers didn’t lie and didn’t change after I checked them numerous times to ensure my eyes hadn’t deceived me.

How do you battle such an overwhelming psychological disorder?

First, believe in yourself, in your abilities and knowledge.

Second, know you’re worthy and have earned that success.

Lastly, there’s no need for perfection or looking to others for validation.

You are where you belong.


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